Livestock spotted off the Norwegian coast.

Ha Ha Ha Holeee Shit!

I’ve got a tree on my plane.




Reginald VelPenis
He's sullying the home of my forefathers.

Why the fuck would you even bother being IN the picture if that's what you were wearing? A shot of pure beauty and Joe has to fuck it up by wearing his bum clothes. Baggy sweatpants, the finest stretched out Sons of Anarchy hoodie, the Air Monarchs. I don't understand how he isn't embarrassed to walk around like that. He'd look less retarded if he were dressed like a 2004 wigger or emo kid or something. He's just ridiculous.

He could've taken some nice pictures on this cruise if he didn't need to insert his dumbass face into all of them. "Here's a beautiful waterfall with a stupid old bowlegged fuck standing in front of it looking confused."