Listening to Anthony on O&A during their height on SiriusXM is one of the most infuriating things ever

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
Never forget clueless idiot & all round piece of shit Piers Morgan cucked AntH on his own show. He went on and lied about firearms and gun crime in front of firearms expert Nana, and Nana had nothing to say back other than “DUH! PROTECTION! GOD GIVEN RIGHT AS AN AMERICAN!”

He had no idea about anything he claimed to be interested in and just spouted Fox news talking points when he felt threatened.


On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
Anthony's nigger rich spending history:

- live-in companion/assistant Keith who had his own wing of the house
- multiple unnecessary cars like Shelby GTs and Escalades
- supercar weekends where he would rent cars for himself and Keith to drive
- endless traffic infractions from said cars
- largest inground pool installed in literally all of Long Island/NYC
- leak in pool resulting in millions of gallons of water being wasted because the pool automatically refilled
- in ground generators in case of a power outage
- completely refinished basement poker and karaoke room, home theater as well
- losing who knows how many millions at blackjack at various casinos
- dinosaur decorations
- multiple $100K parties at his house including the Nicolini party that was so extravagant that people assumed it was an engagement party
- enough guns to recreate the Matrix lobby scene, all guns now confiscated by NYPD
- personal trainers (with steroids/HGH) and personal chefs (beer and more beer)
- gifting who knows how much to his deadbeat siblings over the years
- close to $2million in his divorce between Jennifer and the lawyers that she also squandered entirely

I am sure I am missing more.
-Cruises with the whole fag-family.
-"Comped" Trips to Atlantic City.


Thanks for uploading this clip! I just found out about this show last month and I've been binging the Patrice episodes!!! But can somebody give me a "Screw You Opie!!!" I'm just one of the bbbbbbboys now!!! :-)


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
I liked when Anthony would go on tirades every day about Trayvon Martin that were practically verbatim repeats of the day before and what he'd say the following day.

I also like how he would do said tirades over a soundtrack of Candy Crush from a cell phone speaker.

Mr Ass

I liked when Anthony would go on tirades every day about Trayvon Martin that were practically verbatim repeats of the day before and what he'd say the following day.

I also like how he would do said tirades over a soundtrack of Candy Crush from a cell phone speaker.
The beginning of the show was Opie complaining about management and talking about his retarded kids. The second half of the show was Nana complaining about blacks. Good times.


Nana is helpless at his core. He’s great at acting like he knows what to do, but he’s incapable of doing anything because he’s lazy and afraid. He’s had people shepherd him along for things that don’t take a ton of effort
  • Joe got the song parody in the hands of Opie
  • Opie brought Nana onto the radio and kept him around
  • Opie did the heavy lifting for contract negotiations, even if he did it poorly
  • Keith the Cop got Compound Media off the ground but put behind a paywall
  • Compound media had legit talent that fled because he was too cheap/stupid to confront Keith about his mismanagement
  • Keith leaves and Compound Media somehow becomes unimaginably worse
  • Nana loses Dave Landau and the best he can arrange for on his own is Geno Bisconte who has literally 0 other options