Listening to Anthony on O&A during their height on SiriusXM is one of the most infuriating things ever

His bloated self confidence is easily one of the most infuriating things ever. There is this whole time period between Obama being a candidate/elected and Zimmerman that Anthony became the faggot he is today. How comfortable he is talking about wanting to fuck underage children, losing a shit ton of money in casinos, driving on the sidewalk with his escalade, calling black people monkeys makes me want to break my phone in half. It's devoid of any humor and it just shows how big of an ass he is. Bring up Obama again and repeat the same biased opinions, idiot.

I was listening to a Patrice appearance and Anthony spent a good 45 minutes trying to get a replacement door for his car from GM as SiriusXM were doing business with them. Call GM now you fucking ghoul and see how fast they hang up after you mention your name you racist, pedophile, mother abandoning, racially ambiguous, closeted tranny loving faggot.

The way he got fired makes me smile every time I think about it because it shows how delusional he truly was at the end of O&A. He really thought he could go on a tirade on social media and call black people niggers and animals on saturday and come back to work on Monday.

Knowing that he probably lost around $10m of income makes it the more funnier. You had the easiest, most cushiest job ever but couldn't behave like the "savage animals" you always refer to. All you had to do was shut the fuck up, make the same Shining reference and you'd be set, but this idiot really thought he was this groundbreaking, prominent, conservative political commentator and he was speaking for the silent majority of white people and people were clammering to their radios to hear his rants whilst looking like a Berber sheep herder.
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Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
I used to listen to the show daily. Now I can only listen to retards and jocktober. I didn’t realize at the time just how much Anthony would detail the show to complain about niggers or just be an all around faggot. Credit to Opie for giving up and just playing some candy crush.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
I'm always shocked how politically level headed Anthony sounded in the very beginning of their return to radio in 2004, he has always been a racist piece of shit but at least he had a way more level headed aproach to a lot of topics, the obama presidency seemed to have broken him, he turned into a totally different person incapable of nuanced thought.
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Still spreading the O&A virus
I'm always shocked how politically level headed Anthony sounded in the very beginning of their return to radio in 2004, he has always been a racist piece of shit but at least he had a way more level headed aproach to a lot of topics, the obama presidency seemed to have broken him, he turned into a totally different person incapable of nuanced thought.
Did you listen closely? Because Anthony was usually the most insane person when any sort of conspiracy theory was mentioned. JFK, 9/11, moon landings. Anthony would act deranged when anyone brought any of those up. Norton and Anthony would lose their minds over basically any 9/11 discussion whatsoever. Opie usually kept the topic going when he wanted to by pouring gas on the fire. Other times he would just destroy the bit so that they could move on.

Anthony always had the 'to cool for the room' attitude during political discussions unless he had an easy target. Norton was the same. And even Opie. They would smash easy targets, especially over the phone where they could just shout over the people. But get someone in studio like Ventura or even a maniac like Alex Jones who would out scream them and they would cower down. Like when Patrice said they "flushed Bin Laden down the toilet like cocaine" there was no argument from O&A or Norton because they could not bully Patrice.

The worst of this was the Chris Kyle thing. Entire time Kyle is saying he punched Venture the O&A crew were going nuts. Mentioning how they broke the story as well. How Ventura got his ass kicked. Second the verdict and all evidence came in that Chris Kyle was a notorious liar though, it was basically a non-story. It was brought up one time on O&J even with Ventura popping his head into the studio. And Anthony basically never mentioned it on his gay network.


Pfizer-BioNTech approved mod
The guy who killed him wasn't even white
Neither is Anthony.

the obama presidency seemed to have broken him, he turned into a totally different person incapable of nuanced thought.

The Obama stuff was just coincidental. It was the rise of Fox News and right wing social media around that time that gave Ant all his racial/political talking points. Ant's politics are just thinly veiled racism and it's not like he reads or has any form of critical thought process He needed something like Fox feeding him something to say that was more socially palatable than "nigger" rants.

Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry
You guys keep typing the same novels everyday but it doesn’t change the fact that Opie is unfunny as fuck and quite literally rode the coattails of actual funny people like Cumia, Norton and O’Neal into minor fame that he has since squandered via mental illness.

Cumia doesn’t have any children, he fucks them instead. He’s a 61 year old alcoholic who has had heart issues for twenty years. What exactly is he saving his money for?


Still spreading the O&A virus
You guys keep typing the same novels everyday but it doesn’t change the fact that Opie is unfunny as fuck and quite literally rode the coattails of actual funny people like Cumia, Norton and O’Neal into minor fame that he has since squandered via mental illness.

Cumia doesn’t have any children, he fucks them instead. He’s a 61 year old alcoholic who has had heart issues for twenty years. What exactly is he saving his money for?
Opie essentially created the open talk radio format where guests just come in and riff. He created the modern podcast essentially. The largest podcast in the world, Rogan, comes from the O&A format directly. But Opie came from the old school radio background so he merged his open talk show with old school radio bits like contests and callers. Contests and callers gave us things like homeless shopping sprees, pests versus various radio shows, Jocktober, Lady Di Internship, Erock song parody contests, egg nog challenge, fatty pig fatty, and so on.

No one is saying that Opie was ever funny. His batting average on jokes is .010 or worse. But half of the classic bits and moments from the show come from Opie. Hanging up on callers and celebrities? Jocktober? Line of the day? Making guests uncomfortable? Ripping on guests over the phone like ripping up their books? Stuff like Vos vs Bobo in trivia? This basically all came from Opie.


Which way?! Medium or well done?
They both got too comfortable, but Q'umia took it to the next level. They admitted the job was very easy at that point and didn't feel pressure to prep but were still being paid like it was 1999 and shock jocks mattered.

When howard first went to satellite he would joke about how they could say whatever they wanted because it's satellite and no one listens. I think advertisers did expect an "edgier" product on satellite, plus it's not like GE or something top-tier would ever sponsor O&A so it lulled AntH into a false sense of security.

As others have pointed out ad nauseum, even if AntH managed to behave (not possible) they eventually would have had their budget cut, moved to a smaller studio and all manner of little indiginities. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if O&A's egos would have prompted them to quit and you would have got the Jim&Sam show at the same time it actually happened.


Which way?! Medium or well done?
You guys keep typing the same novels everyday but it doesn’t change the fact that Opie is unfunny as fuck and quite literally rode the coattails of actual funny people like Cumia, Norton and O’Neal into minor fame
So Opie showed up to work every morning literally riding on Anthony's plaid overshirt or Patrice's Pimp Jacket?



Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
You guys keep typing the same novels everyday but it doesn’t change the fact that Opie is unfunny as fuck and quite literally rode the coattails of actual funny people like Cumia, Norton and O’Neal into minor fame that he has since squandered via mental illness.

Cumia doesn’t have any children, he fucks them instead. He’s a 61 year old alcoholic who has had heart issues for twenty years. What exactly is he saving his money for?
Jim and Ant would be fucking lost without Opie running the board, Opie may be a unfunny hack but he knows how to run a show.