Life Hate Thread



Life was completely fucking shit for me for a long long time.

Then for a very short time it was fawkin great.

Now it's fuckin shit again. How do I get back to the good times?

I wish my life was so fucking meaningless and uneventful that some nonsense shit like roe vs wade or trump/biden in office was enough to give me an emotional response. I really hate Patrick. Oh, there's something.

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Ever read the Bible?

The Book of Job is fawked up, the most black pilled writing on suffering. It makes you realize a POS created this realm and He's in control and your His pawn. So its good for your well being. "If it were up to me, I wouldn't suffer this much...but the 'creator of this realm' deems fit for whatever reason I suffer, so its on Him. AND, if my suffering is needed for this realm to be what it is...then it ain't all that", so it helps with detaching yourself.

Marijuana also helps, makes you numb but not like in an opiate 'fake' cocoon.


Ever read the Bible?

The Book of Job is fawked up, the most black pilled writing on suffering. It makes you realize a POS created this realm and He's in control and your His pawn. So its good for your well being. "If it were up to me, I wouldn't suffer this much...but the 'creator of this realm' deems fit for whatever reason I suffer, so its on Him. AND, if my suffering is needed for this realm to be what it is...then it ain't all that, so it helps with detaching yourself.

Marijuana also helps, makes you numb but not like in an opiate 'fake' cocoon.
I have read a bit of The Bible; Job was a nightmare to read through. It just kept going. Maybe that was the point.


Life was completely fucking shit for me for a long long time.

Then for a very short time it was fawkin great.

Now it's fuckin shit again. How do I get back to the good times?

I wish my life was so fucking meaningless and uneventful that some nonsense shit like roe vs wade or trump/biden in office was enough to give me an emotional response. I really hate Patrick. Oh, there's something.

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What’s eating you, brothaman? Lotsa shit is eating away at me. Fucking work sucks, family issues, my lil cuz just OD’d (sucks), I hit the bottle way too much and often. DM me if you want.

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
you really want help bucko?

you may lose everything you ever held dear in the pursuit of help

what you really need to do is listen to me, the smartest guy who ever took a shit

this song changed my life

live like this cartoon rabbit, as an attractive white male you need to just realize the world is here for you and you just need to accept that as fact and relax

everything will work out, put in the least amount of effort and you will be rewarded for it

the hardest thing to do is nothing

edit; quit your job, work for panera and make delicious sandwiches for the world

it is the only way

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
I know i will get ostracised for saying this but it’s the opposite for me, Pat and Pat-posting makes me even more depressed. Maybe this place passed me by.

Do what I do

Hate pat posters and their stupid attitude that they are better than a published author who is obviously retarded

pat is my hero, he has made me start doing many creative things that I used to enjoy but this forum ruined for me

no one is perfect, Pat certainly isn't

But he has a stone cold steve austin attitude about life, and you gotta respect that unless you are a loser and hate yourself