Let’s correcT the record, Rick.

SFWA liaison

Heidi Hildeman customer
This is just another example of Patrick attacking journalists because they dare do fact-based reporting on him.

He's a published author, in public, at a convention for the industry he claims to be a big shot at. But to him it's "stalking". I guess I "stalk" musicians if I take a picture of the stage at a concert? Turning myself in rn


This defamation will not stand

View attachment 20629

1. No, I haven’t written a book. By the way, in 2021 writing a book means nothing. Any retard can can publish some horseshit and sell a couple of hundred copies of it. I actually have a real job where I make more each year than you have in your entire writing career. My wife does too.

2. to Mr Sarli, Rick has no one show up at his signing. See here:

View attachment 20631

3. Did I wait a long time to capture the moment for this picture? No, it’s time stamped at 12:12 pm on my phone. The signing started at 12:00 so if he had a line of fans waiting for him, Mr. six figure author managed to dispatch them all in under 12 minutes.

4. Did I hide behind a tshirt table for hours and take this photo from far away with a zoom lens? No. I walked right up and snapped it and that’s what cell phone photos look like. I was standing quite close to him and not behind anything.

But I can’t prove that, you only have my word, right?

Not so.

This video starts at 12:06pm by the way..


Tldr: Rick is a fat lying faggot with bitch tits.
Did their convention take place in a parking garage? Haha


This defamation will not stand

View attachment 20629

1. No, I haven’t written a book. By the way, in 2021 writing a book means nothing. Any retard can can publish some horseshit and sell a couple of hundred copies of it. I actually have a real job where I make more each year than you have in your entire writing career. My wife does too.

2. to Mr Sarli, Rick has no one show up at his signing. See here:

View attachment 20631

3. Did I wait a long time to capture the moment for this picture? No, it’s time stamped at 12:12 pm on my phone. The signing started at 12:00 so if he had a line of fans waiting for him, Mr. six figure author managed to dispatch them all in under 12 minutes.

4. Did I hide behind a tshirt table for hours and take this photo from far away with a zoom lens? No. I walked right up and snapped it and that’s what cell phone photos look like. I was standing quite close to him and not behind anything.

But I can’t prove that, you only have my word, right?

Not so.

This video starts at 12:06pm by the way..


Tldr: Rick is a fat lying faggot with bitch tits.
Wow that’s hilariously sad.