Let the Sketti hit the wall - Compound Edition (AKA: G-no is a faggot, and Brennan is a douche)

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
He used to start crying in hopes his parents would stop fighting.

i hated my parents fighting as well, the funny thing is i became the family therapist

ant is a selfish fellow, he is a sensitive guy, but never used that sensitivity for anything other than curating his own pleasures

there's a great scene in dalmer, where dalmers dad is talking to his Alzheimers mom laying in her bed babbling nonsense

and he knows she can't hear him, but he goes there for her

this could be total bs for the show, to reflect how good the dad was as a human. but the scene immediately brought me back to anthony

once his mom was of no more use to him, he abandoned her. is it fear, maybe? but a cowardly man who can't be there for his mother is a scared boy.

it's frustrating to see ant in this form. his regressive infantile lifestyle. imagine being ron, a dude who thought ant was the reason he got were he was. only to realize it was a comedy of errors that just lead to his eventual station as the second fiddle to a shitty white nationalist.

ant isn't david duke, he ain't even nick fuentest.

his infantile race rants are an expression of his self-imposed impotence. a verbal declaration of his puny station in life, and his inability to see the bigger picture in order to raise himself from the perpetual victim

he loves when Kevin and geno break his toys, because he gets to be the victim.
