Kiwifarms Hacked


Glow nigger. Got any of those IPs for me?
I used a proton mail burner and don’t care if they have my IP address so whatever
Exactly. He's already proved he can't even do anything with a DL except get suspended from Twitter.
I have no idea what you just said.
Nobody understands bollywood. Just picture him singing and dancing while trying to sell you dick pills from a shady pharmacy website.


What you Torquin 'bout Wheelers


Sink Inspector

SFWA hate site monitoring agent #2
I'll need to see if he explains what happens but if the proxy is just a passthrough I don't see how you can do a session based attack.

My understanding is that its a man in the middle exploit. If tls terminated at the host then it shouldn't be possible. For you bovine retards

Your browser --> proxy --> backend host

If your connection is https then your traffic is encrypted with tls. If the proxy server contains the private key it can decrypt https/tls traffic and forward along http or plaintext. Now I don't know what he's dealing with on the ddos side so there may be reasons for that.

Typically though, the proxy just forwards the encrypted traffic and the private key is stored on the backend server and decrypted there. This is pretty much what cloudflare does.

So if the proxy was comprised I think it would need to have had the private key and thus be terminating ssl there. But I'm a retard so who knows.
Yeah apparently it wasn't the proxy, he initially thought the vulenrability was there because they got a breach yesterday but it's just coincidental. It's script injection from his chat plugin.

Null is generally insane, but his ambition to make a XenForo replacement is particularly wild. Hoping this doesn't kill it because it'd be cool even if it takes years.