King of the Hill is gay as shit

It’s Meboe

Solo Slow Joe Acoustic Show
It’s annoying as fuck when people quote Hank Hill by saying “that boy ain’t right”


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
King of the Hill YouTube Poop is better.

Man, I remember YouTube Poop from back in the day. A lot of them were shit because it was just dumb edits for no reason, but ones like this are ribs. I remember there were some pretty funny ones with some cartoon called Dr. Rabbit, but Colegate got butthurt and copyrighted most of them.

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
The only thing I remember is the episode mocking christian rock. It aired on November 9, 2003. South Park already did theirs on October 29, 2003. Remember Cartman's band Faith+1?

How the fuck did they produce these so close together?

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
The only thing I remember is the episode mocking christian rock. It aired on November 9, 2003. South Park already did theirs on October 29, 2003. Remember Cartman's band Faith+1?

How the fuck did they produce these so close together?
South Park was notorious for writing shows as quickly as possible. At this point they were finishing the seasons in around 3 months I think? Which they eventually got down to turning the episode in, the day of airing. Every other show has things storyboarded, written and animated well in advance of air date. So, the topic was something going on in culture, and both of them saw it as something worth making fun of. KOTH probably had written the idea first, but Matt and Trey also thought it was funny and probably made theirs quicker, putting the release dates on similar time tables. Nice over explanation of a very obvious coincidence, stupid.

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
South Park was notorious for writing shows as quickly as possible. At this point they were finishing the seasons in around 3 months I think? Which they eventually got down to turning the episode in, the day of airing. Every other show has things storyboarded, written and animated well in advance of air date. So, the topic was something going on in culture, and both of them saw it as something worth making fun of. KOTH probably had written the idea first, but Matt and Trey also thought it was funny and probably made theirs quicker, putting the release dates on similar time tables. Nice over explanation of a very obvious coincidence, stupid.

"Can't you see you're not making Christianity better, you're just making rock n' roll worse." - Hank Hill

"Fuck Jesus!" - Eric Cartman