Kike Hate Thread



Forceful conversions should have no redress or counter-strategy? Got it...Idk, I'd have had developed some techniques...some "protocols" you might say, after consulting some of them"elders" (cuz they know the bible best).
Of course a people who worship themselves instead of the Almighty and get high off their own farts would pose "pretend to be doctors and poison kids" as a "counter-strategy." Is there any righteousness in this line of thought? Of course not. It's evil, plain and simple.

Professor Rape

46 72 69 6E 6B 20 72 75 6C 65 73 21
Questions for le jew experts on here

If jews run everything...

1) What's up with all the anti-israel stuff in the media and the news (especially recently)?
2) Why do they let muslims into the country with open arms, considering muslims really hate jews and not so much goys?
3) Why do they keep throwing their own under the bus (harvey weinstein, epstein, etc)?
4) Why have complete retards like Missy been able to figure it out? Shouldn't the jews have been more discrete about their power?

The fourth point is a joke, but the first three are ones that have always been on mind.
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Blackface Killah
1) What's up with all the anti-israel stuff in the media and the news (especially recently)?

Ashkenazi jews don't give a fuck about ethnic jews. They don't even give a fuck about Israel as a sovereign country, they just want it as a way to funnel foreign aid into whatever pockets they please.

2) Why do they let muslims into the country with open arms, considering muslims really hate jews and not so much goys?

Because they want to cause culture shock and have goys quarrel with Muslims for them.

3) Why do they keep throwing their own under the bus (harvey weinstein, epstein, etc)?

Because they're jews. That's what they do. They have no qualms sacrificing their own if it's beneficial to their own schemes.

4) Why have complete retards like Missy been able to figure it out? Shouldn't the jews have been more discrete about their power?

Complacency. They've given up trying to be clandestine in their attempt gain control of Western financial and media industries as they've already achieved an insane chokehold on both. At this point, I'm sure it's seen as either unnecessary to continue to be convert in their plots or maybe even just impossible at this point.

Professor Rape

46 72 69 6E 6B 20 72 75 6C 65 73 21
Ashkenazi jews don't give a fuck about ethnic jews. They don't even give a fuck about Israel as a sovereign country, they just want it as a way to funnel foreign aid into whatever pockets they please.

Because they want to cause culture shock and have goys quarrel with Muslims for them.

Because they're jews. That's what they do. They have no qualms sacrificing their own if it's beneficial to their own schemes.

Complacency. They've given up trying to be clandestine in their attempt gain control of Western financial and media industries as they've already achieved an insane chokehold on both. At this point, I'm sure it's seen as either unnecessary to continue to be convert in their plots or maybe even just impossible at this point.
Those answers were more simple than I was expecting, I guess I was overthinking it. Thanks.


Keyboard Warrior