Kids are what we're supposed to be

Clint Ruin

I'm sorry, who are you?

Hey dipshit, kids will bully a fat girl to tears. Kids will tell a burn victim that they are ugly and gross. Kids will ostracize a peer for being poor. Whatever this weird take is, Rick, it's out of touch with reality and someone who is actually a parent would know that.
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When I was in first grade the had us all partner up with 5th grade reading buddies on a few occasions for like half an hour. That kid was a dick to me.
They do this reading buddy stuff at my kids’ school as well, and thankfully the older kids weren’t reprehensible.

There are a lot of shitty kids though, especially in 6th to 8th grades, but that’s to be expected in preteen and early teen years. Usually they grow out of it, but in some cases they become bad sci-do writers who abandon their children.