Kevin Mccarthy ousted as Speaker of the House


I am a genius btw...was on the Dean List
Especially when you consider almost half of the US participates in primary voting by registered party only, meaning you have to register D to vote D. So in at least half of the US states you can count out any registered Republicans or independents who could possibly sway the vote for RFK, leaving just registered Dems to pick who best represents the party.
You register with your party for primaries... are you retarded?


I am a genius btw...was on the Dean List
I disagree on RFK. In fact, if the GOP was smart, which they aren’t, they would be focusing on the next iteration of the party, which needs to be centered around DINO disrupters who force liberals to think critically about their elected officials, which doesn’t happen now (Fetterman as an example).

Biden isn’t polling particularly well within his own party and they’re worried because he’s basically even with Trump, a guy who already has one loss to Joe B plus like 10 indictments. And Biden the guy may be a centrist but he signs whatever they put in front of him so he might as well be AOC or Newsome.


Sue Lightning

(Fox News is gay) What do you disagree with @Sue Lightning

Gaetz is just like the rest of them. He literally says he wants to pass a budget…on his terms. Which, like I said, move the money from Ukraine to Israel or some other shithole. This retard has no plan. He’s literally going “Uhhh yeah he’d make a great speaker” like he hasn’t even fucking thought who would be next when he started the whole goddamn process. He’s going to put in another slimebag who will serve the party and funny hat people. They don’t give a fuck about inflation or anything else. This is a motion to serve their party somehow like everything else. These people don’t operate on morals.


Bunch of fuckin Cumias in this thread. tHe DeMs aRe In lOcKsTeP. Fuck off, idiots. Dems get nothing done because of the dysentery in the ranks. Conservatives are so tribal that they'll back pedophiles and carpetbaggers just to own the libs. They'd eat their own shit as long as the party is condoning it.

You could take some of these comments and put a Cumia name on it and no one would think it's fake. Fucking nerds.


I am a genius btw...was on the Dean List
Gaetz is just like the rest of them. He literally says he wants to pass a budget…on his terms. Which, like I said, move the money from Ukraine to Israel or some other shithole. This retard has no plan. He’s literally going “Uhhh yeah he’d make a great speaker” like he hasn’t even fucking thought who would be next when he started the whole goddamn process. He’s going to put in another slimebag who will serve the party and funny hat people. They don’t give a fuck about inflation or anything else. This is a motion to serve their party somehow like everything else. These people don’t operate on morals.
Have you ever listened to Gaetz talk for a few hours plus?

Sue Lightning

Seriously? The Kennedy family name itself is probably the most prolific political stamps of approval in US history.
Lets not forget that Joe Kennedy was a corrupt nigger and both the kids got shot. They were cool during their time but now have the perception of a bunch of corrupt womanizing sickly retards. They’re mostly remembered for being young and dying. They’re not the Roosevelts or anything.


There's no reason we can't pull out of our "obligations" to Europe and become completely independent in terms of manufacturing, farming, defense spending, and energy. Those hundreds of billions going out in foreign aid could be thrown into domestic companies making the semiconductors we suck Taiwan's dick for which kills our conflict with China. We have more oil to be drilled than any other country on the planet. The people who run DC are fucking retarded and should be thrown to the curb. The USA is a business. Anyone who hasn't owned their own shouldn't be able to run for office.
Of course there’s no reason we can’t, but we won’t. All of these worthless politicians stay in their seat until they literally die. Nothing would make me happier than to A) go isolationist and B) move back to the gold standard.

I love the people who talk about term limits like it’s in the cards even though the people we need to support it are incentivized against it. They’re all trash

Turk February

Our experiences exceed yours.
You know, being a politics junkie like you guys, I've made some observations about President Obama.

Like, you remember that one time some New York Times journalist asked Obama a difficult question?

Yeah, neither do I.

Hahahaha, just some more humor, you guys can get back to the serious stuff.

Turk February

Our experiences exceed yours.
Pat Nixon was struggling in the kitchen making a french onion soup and baking a particularly finicky savory pastry. She asked president Richard Nixon to come to the kitchen and help her, you know, just for one second.

President Nixon absolutely refused.

I heard he said "I am not a cook"

Hahahahahahahaha, oh, you guys kill me with this politics stuff.

Sue Lightning

I don’t disagree with a lot of what you said, but how is being supportive of less regulation simply a contrarian position to the DNC? Republicans have always been on record for less regulation. It’s not contrarian, it’s a core tenet of the underlying classical economic theory (just like Keynesian econ is the underlier for the DNC).
Yeah you’re not gonna get an argument from me there. The only thing i would say i suppose is that the “less regulations” positions of Republicans today is virtually meaningless. A lot of the “less regulation” talk is more so about appealing Joe Bidens green energy initiatives aka shit thats just happening now, not anything that needs to be changed on a deep structural level to the country.
Not that I’m in disagreement though. The republicans seem to never do anything in the end. Trump cut taxes, took down some regulations, but whined every day online for 4 years and then printed zillions and now we’re saddled with inflation and an administration that is cramming policy down like they know they’re going to lose.
In my opinion the Republicans set up too much expectations for themselves, specifically Trump. How exactly do you “drain the swamp” without literally forcing impeachments or executions? If he could or should do that is a whole separate thing, the point is he didn’t. How exactly do you build a border wall and get Mexico to pay for it? If he could or should do that, the point is he didn’t. And you can’t do that because the Presidency isn’t set up like you’re a king. Red tape…etc. So even if Trump were literally this Q jesus figure he was neutered. And same goes for who he actually was, a zogged self interested conservative.
Biden isn’t polling particularly well within his own party and they’re worried because he’s basically even with Trump, a guy who already has one loss to Joe B plus like 10 indictments. And Biden the guy may be a centrist but he signs whatever they put in front of him so he might as well be AOC or Newsome.
Key is whatever they put in front of him. We’ve had a Republican house for two years now which evens out the D house from the two years before. Biden has signed just as much (what liberals would consider) “Republican” laws as Democrat ones. Biden will win again if he just focuses on the Rust Belt, and I don’t have an informed enough opinion on if he could or will.
I’m with you though, it’d be nice if the Republicans could win enough to start putting actual policy to make the country more conservative but that’s not happening anytime soon.
Again, I wouldn’t even exactly say the problem is winning. They just have no official agenda and Trump is the reason. There is a clear line between the RINOs and the people who support Trump in all levels of government in the R party. A big problem in the 2022 midterms and why Democrats didn’t lose as much is because states picked absolute fucking retards who don’t appeal to the plurality of voters, only the fringe ones in their party, instead of the typical neocons. Alaska saw it explicitly where ranked choice voting was available. It was a D running against 2 R’s - Sarah Palin and a centrist Republican. And of course all the centrist Republicans second vote was the D allowing her to win.


I am a genius btw...was on the Dean List
Yeah you’re not gonna get an argument from me there. The only thing i would say i suppose is that the “less regulations” positions of Republicans today is virtually meaningless. A lot of the “less regulation” talk is more so about appealing Joe Bidens green energy initiatives aka shit thats just happening now, not anything that needs to be changed on a deep structural level to the country.

In my opinion the Republicans set up too much expectations for themselves, specifically Trump. How exactly do you “drain the swamp” without literally forcing impeachments or executions? If he could or should do that is a whole separate thing, the point is he didn’t. How exactly do you build a border wall and get Mexico to pay for it? If he could or should do that, the point is he didn’t. And you can’t do that because the Presidency isn’t set up like you’re a king. Red tape…etc. So even if Trump were literally this Q jesus figure he was neutered. And same goes for who he actually was, a zogged self interested conservative.

Key is whatever they put in front of him. We’ve had a Republican house for two years now which evens out the D house from the two years before. Biden has signed just as much (what liberals would consider) “Republican” laws as Democrat ones. Biden will win again if he just focuses on the Rust Belt, and I don’t have an informed enough opinion on if he could or will.

Again, I wouldn’t even exactly say the problem is winning. They just have no official agenda and Trump is the reason. There is a clear line between the RINOs and the people who support Trump in all levels of government in the R party. A big problem in the 2022 midterms and why Democrats didn’t lose as much is because states picked absolute fucking retards who don’t appeal to the plurality of voters, only the fringe ones in their party, instead of the typical neocons. Alaska saw it explicitly where ranked choice voting was available. It was a D running against 2 R’s - Sarah Palin and a centrist Republican. And of course all the centrist Republicans second vote was the D allowing her to win.
Democrats voted in a literal retard over a Doctor. What happened to trust the science?
(RIP CQ_1)

Turk February

Our experiences exceed yours.
Democrats voted in a literal retard over a Doctor. What happened to trust the science? View attachment 156435(RIP CQ_1)
yeah, you know what you get when you offer a democrat a penny for their thoughts?


A democrat is a lot like a prostitute,

but the prostitute gives you value for all the money she takes.

hahaha, I am just kidding, it's all very complicated as politics often are, what do I know, I'm just here to lighten the mood a little.