Katherine Cross, online harassment scholar


I'm the girl u needed in Jr. High
It’s also one of the favorite sayings of PhD candidate in Information Science at the University of Washington iSchool, Katherine Cross, who studies online harassment. She has researched the evolution of the online harassment sphere as it has evolved over the last ten years. While the destruction of Kiwi Farms is something she celebrates, she cautions against thinking the fight is over.


Oh boy.

Miguel transitioned into Katherine in July 2009 according to a New York Times article:


She has something to do with gamergate, she was working for Anita Sarkinsansian's company and writing propaganda articles pretending to be unbiased.


“What keeps that hard core group together is simply prejudice—they hate their targets that much—and a shared sense of meaning derived from the perverse camaraderie of their campaigns,” she says. “Many of these people build large parts of their identities around these communities and, despite their vile activities, what results is similar to the kind of bonding and meaning-making that exists in any other subculture. The only difference is that they’ve chosen to bond over hating and dehumanizing the targets of their abuse.”

Positive comments only. No bonding over hating and dehumanizing. No jokes about Taboo from the Black Eyed Peas or attending an iSchool or what exactly an iSchool is.

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high

Oh boy.

Miguel transitioned into Katherine in July 2009 according to a New York Times article:


She has something to do with gamergate, she was working for Anita Sarkinsansian's company and writing propaganda articles pretending to be unbiased.


Positive comments only. No bonding over hating and dehumanizing. No jokes about Taboo from the Black Eyed Peas or attending an iSchool or what exactly an iSchool is.

I mean that last paragraph quoted is pretty much exactly what this place is. Still, HE’S A FAAAAAAG



Oh boy.

Miguel transitioned into Katherine in July 2009 according to a New York Times article:

[URL unfurl="true"]https://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/25/nyregion/25namechange.html[/URL]


She has something to do with gamergate, she was working for Anita Sarkinsansian's company and writing propaganda articles pretending to be unbiased.



Positive comments only. No bonding over hating and dehumanizing. No jokes about Taboo from the Black Eyed Peas or attending an iSchool or what exactly an iSchool is.
iSchool is probably an online learning program from UW that has an asterik next to it. It's a grift universities do to give retards the name, without conferring an actual accredited degree from the institution. Harvard's for example is "Harvard Extension School" I believe.
I just know it had something to do with feminists not liking the way women were portrayed in video games.
Some slut blew five dudes (and cucked her boyfriend) so they would favorably review her shitty HTML five-page visual novel without pictures "game". People found out, the entire games journalism sphere came together and put out articles defending everyone involved and blaming the audience for not liking it. Waves of autism happened and nothing good came of it. A bunch of grifters got rich. Games are much worse now and getting more terrible. The end.
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Some slut blew five dudes (and cucked her boyfriend) so they would favorably review her shitty HTML five-page visual novel without pictures "game". People found out, the entire games journalism sphere came together and put out articles defending everyone involved and blaming the audience for not liking it. Waves of autism happened and nothing good happened. A bunch of grifters got rich. Games are much worse now and getting more terrible. The end.
Umm you forgot that Trump was elected because of it. (People that were a part of Gaymergate actually believe this.)


I still don’t really know what gamergate was. I remember it seemed so gay and annoying when it was happening that I would never read any of the articles about it.

I just know it had something to do with feminists not liking the way women were portrayed in video games.
A shitty female "game developer" had sex with 5 guys who wrote nice journal articles about her games. 4chan virgins sperged out and swatted her. She got to testify at the UN about how the internet should be censored. The end.