Kamala is underage



@captain_kamala fat bitch is saying you haven't developed yet and look like a child. I know you'll probably take that as a compliment but the motherfucker is also basically saying there's no way a black woman would ever make fun of him. A voice note from you is out, as he'd just think you were a middle-aged Jewish lady with a 40 a day habit. Can you please make a video to correct the record (shades, hat, whatever you need.)


You wearing a wire? What's with all the questions my friend? I'm known. My mudda can hold her head up high when she tweets. Ask in all the five subreddits, I'm known. Forgetabout it.
Damn my long play as a brotherman exposed just like that. Pat will not be happy. Serious though which one? I like the Canadian posters because I know that burns fatty.