Just the last 5 minutes for him alone. I don't understand it. How do you make this your life for the last 3 years??


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.




I think he believes that because he's not unable to stand up and doesn't need a reinforced mobile scooter with an oxygen tank attached to get around (yet) that means he's not fat. But those people don't exist anywhere outside of parts of America and maybe Samoa. And parts of Scotland maybe. Everywhere else people like that are sideshow attractions. And someone who looks like him is just "that fat guy over there."


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
I think he believes that because he's not unable to stand up and doesn't need a reinforced mobile scooter with an oxygen tank attached to get around (yet) that means he's not fat.

Nah it's beyond that. He isn't just pulling a technicality Tomlinson here; he's actually said 'I haven't put on a pound in years'. Like every single time we see a new picture of him, he's clearly gotten fatter but he still thinks he's in prime shape.

He's incredibly mentally fucked. Also fat in case I forgot to mention it.


Nah it's beyond that. He isn't just pulling a technicality Tomlinson here; he's actually said 'I haven't put on a pound in years'. Like every single time we see a new picture of him, he's clearly gotten fatter but he still thinks he's in prime shape.

He's incredibly mentally fucked. Also fat in case I forgot to mention it.
Does he think he’s in prime shape? I think he’s just hard coded to go right to the exact opposite of whatever insult or fact is thrown at him, which he considers correcting the record. He was even doing it during Patrick v. BDA.

“You sent those texts.”
“No I did not.”
“Yes you did.”
“No I did not.”
“Yes you did.”
“No I did not.”

He would go on forever if he had to. Just like he’ll sometimes respond to multiple insults in a sentence separately. It’s a compulsion and a dumb one at that.