Just look at them


Disgusting. Anyone who trusted these two penny pinchers with their money is a fool.
His girlfriend is ugly as fuck. That would be a huge red flag for me-- if I was going to invest one penny with this literal crypto kike.
They were all having nerd gangbangs down in the bahamas

She also has the herp
So she's hideous, has an STD, and she's a complete fucking weirdo? Nice. She has a lot of balls to say what she's not looking for- I can't imagine dudes would be banging down her door. Even for the money or as a bit.

She would be perfect for that frat party where they compete to see who can bring the ugliest or fattest date. Homie would win handsdown-


His girlfriend is ugly as fuck. That would be a huge red flag for me-- if I was going to invest one penny with this literal crypto kike.
It's how you know Gates and Zuckerberg are untrustworthy pieces of shit too. Both married total dogs. There are literally guys who work in factories in China whose wives are better looking than Zuck's.

At least Musk goes for relatively decent looking hooers most of the time.


It's how you know Gates and Zuckerberg are untrustworthy pieces of shit too. Both married total dogs. There are literally guys who work in factories in China whose wives are better looking than Zuck's.

At least Musk goes for relatively decent looking hooers most of the time.
I think it's why they all hate Trump. Trump only dated or married 9-10's. No objectively ugly chicks.




It came out the exchange had 900 million assets and like 10 billion liabilities lmao
It was just a money laundering front for politicians and ukraine, they were backed by the WEF
Literally just laundering user deposits and they don’t know where the billions went
Also possibly an extension of epstein island trafficking shit as the exchange coincidentally opened right after he “died”
Funny how they got all those sports sponsorships so quickly. Oy vey

[URL unfurl="true"]https://twitter.com/gencostocks/status/1591152036766445568?s=20&t=AvkGiflrcmNAEUQZ2KpIng[/URL]

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high
It's how you know Gates and Zuckerberg are untrustworthy pieces of shit too. Both married total dogs. There are literally guys who work in factories in China whose wives are better looking than Zuck's.

At least Musk goes for relatively decent looking hooers most of the time.
Musk has an impeccable dating track record. Models, hot bitches, and weirdo artists everywhere. Even take Grimes, objectively one of his lesser women. You know she was doing insane shit in bed with him, and she still is hung up on him to this day. Plus he cucked Johnny Depp which is hilarious.


Still spreading the O&A virus
I bet they got their initial investments because people looked at them and figured they'd probably be good with money.
There was an episode of Curb where Larry literally invests in an inventor's products because the guy's wife (played by Janice from the Sopranos) is visibly ugly. And later Larry pretends to be on a date with her to look honorable. There were other episodes where Larry dated women in wheelchairs that had the same premise.


It's not that Jews are extraordinarily shifty and greedy that makes them unbearable. It's that they do their dirt under the guise of "fixing the world." Soros is just trying to open white societies to make the world more equitable child... Annoying!