Joseph looking like hot dogshit

Hudson Margera-Hughes

Heyyyy, HELLHOLE ADLsters...
Joe's going to realize he has 4 outfits and needs to buy some more clothes but will be bargain shopping in a foreign land, counting each dollar to make sure he has enough because he is getting paid so poorly. 65 years old...Jesus Christ.

Everywhere BovineBro goes he relives that infamous Barnes & Noble night over and over again. It's an autistic, on the spectrum itch he can't help but to scratch. He'll just find a pack of immigrant niggers and sand fleas in whatever country he's in, get in the middle of them and yell "I'm the brother of Anthony Cumia and a... Father of... FOUR! Does anyone have anything they want to say to me?!" to the blank stares of West Africans and Tunisian's.

Dude says weird shit to people.


Joe's going to realize he has 4 outfits and needs to buy some more clothes but will be bargain shopping in a foreign land, counting each dollar to make sure he has enough because he is getting paid so poorly. 65 years old...Jesus Christ.

Joe Euroblouse.jpg
Remember when this dolt bragged about going on cruises as a paying customer, taking photos from the cafeteria-style dining room? Oh what a fall from grace must it be to realize that only a few years later he is now working on a ship instead of enjoying it in his retirement age.
You know that he visualized it like a paid vacation, where he'd be living the cruise lifestyle between fun gigs. And now he's basically a hostage, making shitty background music for disinterested drunks and slot machine jockeys, before retiring to his claustrophobic little cabin for the night.


Is the crowd like a bunch of sunburnt bills (lady di) or more the type who might ask one for fiddy cent? Because it would be unfortunate if joe got caught up in a "beef" and got hit with a stray bottle in the middle of the ocean.

Do cruises have brawls ever?

If he's not on a ghetto ass cruise ship then he's most likely not even performing and just peeling potatoes.

