Hoo hoo, tell em, Sue!FACT: ( aka, Maybe something your generation doesn’t know about….being obsessed with “FEELINGS” and all….)
80$ is about 5 bags of pistachios.
80$ is a tank of gas.
80$….is me taking my WIFE and 4 CHILDREN to dinner…(Something i DESERVE because I worked my ass off to get it, something your generation KNOWS nothing about)
YOU don’t understand any of those things. Because you’ve never worked a job in your life, no less being a GIGGING musician who has to PLAY to “PAY”…(the bills $$$)
But you wouldn’t understand that, being a devotee to the “Brandon” administration…the only “contract” you SIGN is with this (illegal…remember the 2020 “election”?) government to get your “EBT” card in the mail.
And yes, I AM going to court to get that fee. Unlike the TERRORISTS you support (yes, “BLM” IS a terrorist organization) I’m not going to show up to his pub and “threaten” , aka beat senseless… him into giving me my money. I’m going the LEGAL “route” like an AMERICAN CITIZEN. You may live in creepy Joes America where ILLEGALS do nothing and reap all the rewards….not my President.
And guess what? I’m going to “win” the case…because theres a CONTRACT. No act of god and you “PAY”…thats the way it is.
Let me give you a little history “lesson” (something you obviously weren’t taught)…Back when me and my baby bro ANTHONY Cumia were first playing songs we wrote one that “went somewhere”… A little parody called “Gonna Electric Shock OJ”…(based on OJ’s little “mishap”
…). When I PERSONALLY handed in the tape to a little known at the time radio host…the rest was “HISTORY” as they say.
Me and Ant had a CONTRACT then, from when we were KIDS (and dad would throw the “spaghetti” at the wall 🫣) that if one of us got famous we would be ENTITLED to the others “hard work”…and thats the thing. It was “WORK” we put into it…we didn’t just “get lucky.” We laced up our bootstraps (or amp cables) and PLAYED GIGS for years in shitty dive bars for nothing…but we got somewhere (funny how a little hard work pays off, huh?). THAT contract was honored…no act of god, no “take back-sies”….just a MAN and his “WORD”.
The fact is is that this “club owner” broke the contract…he pays.“PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY” , it’s something your people need to understand…