Jordan Peele is the worst horror director


He is completely untalented and derivative.

My final year in school was a year or so after Get Out came out. One time a prof started a movie a discussion before class, mentioning he watched a good scary one on Netflix or some shit. A brown girl chimes in that he just has to see Get Out and it’s the best horror ever and all this shit. Most of the class joins in the praise. These were like 23-24 year olds of all ethnic backgrounds. I was a few years older than the average student since I spent my real college-aged years being a disaster.

I felt like I was on another planet. I’m picky with movies but I just couldn’t believe the initial hype that pile of shit got and how all these zoomers acted like it’s “sociology 101” racial critique was deeply layered. I hate shit where they just hit you over the head with their angle, no matter what the angle is, but especially when it’s meant to elicit “current year” political nonsense. What a way to date your movie.

Jordan Peele was the least talented Mad TV actor in his era. Name one memorable character he had. Yet this bum parlayed it into a lucrative Chappelle-lite show and somehow becoming the “it” horror director. Average shit for an average audience.
He was alright on MadTV to be fair. This sketch always makes me fawkin howl.


yep yep yep yep yep
I also thought Peele is the nerdy looking one, turns out he's the monkey looking one with the thick lips and big nose


Us was the worst movie I've ever seen, and remains the only movie I've ever walked out of the theater on. I will not watch any of his other movies based on this.


He is completely untalented and derivative.

My final year in school was a year or so after Get Out came out. One time a prof started a movie a discussion before class, mentioning he watched a good scary one on Netflix or some shit. A brown girl chimes in that he just has to see Get Out and it’s the best horror ever and all this shit. Most of the class joins in the praise. These were like 23-24 year olds of all ethnic backgrounds. I was a few years older than the average student since I spent my real college-aged years being a disaster.

I felt like I was on another planet. I’m picky with movies but I just couldn’t believe the initial hype that pile of shit got and how all these zoomers acted like it’s “sociology 101” racial critique was deeply layered. I hate shit where they just hit you over the head with their angle, no matter what the angle is, but especially when it’s meant to elicit “current year” political nonsense. What a way to date your movie.

Jordan Peele was the least talented Mad TV actor in his era. Name one memorable character he had. Yet this bum parlayed it into a lucrative Chappelle-lite show and somehow becoming the “it” horror director. Average shit for an average audience.
We had to read some shitty Toni Morrison nigger book in school that sucked terribly and I couldn't ignore it. We were all supposed to praise it because a nigger wrote it and won awards for it...but it legit was bad. Like, it made no sense and blew. In a group I spoke up and said it sucked and I hated it. Some bro laughed but everyone else was like uhhh raycis.

Everyone clapped.

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
I won't watch any of his movies because they don't interest me at all. When some guilty white bitch called him the best horror director he replied with "Don't ever disrespect John Carpenter like that". So I'll give him a pass. He's probably cool in person. We like the same movies and he likes to mock phony niggerlovers.


I won't watch any of his movies because they don't interest me at all. When some guilty white bitch called him the best horror director he replied with "Don't ever disrespect John Carpenter like that". So I'll give him a pass. He's probably cool in person. We like the same movies and he likes to mock phony niggerlovers.
I agree I don't think he is the problem it's the faggot critics and award shows that act like he is the greatest director living. Yeah his anti white shit is annoying but the people that prop him up are worse in my opinion.

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
I agree I don't think he is the problem it's the faggot critics and award shows that act like he is the greatest director living. Yeah his anti white shit is annoying but the people that prop him up are worse in my opinion.

He's mostly trolling rich white liberals. He even said so.