Jordan Peele is the worst horror director

The whole premise of Get Out is fucking stupid, I couldn't put myself through Us and the trailer of his new movie Nope looks fucking horrific. I really don't understand he is able to make big budget movies and his movies getting this much praise. And this is not a race thing because my favorite horror director is James Wan.



I haven't seen any movie of his but if i had to guess why he is so popular, it's because modern mainstream horror is so cheap and sanitized-that he seems like an auteur in comparison. I just checked and this movie brought in 100 million bucks. He has an audience. With the state of the mainstream film industry right now, studio's NEED to push this nigger.


The whole premise of Get Out is fucking stupid, I couldn't put myself through Us and the trailer of his new movie Nope looks fucking horrific. I really don't understand he is able to make big budget movies and his movies getting this much praise. And this is not a race thing because my favorite horror director is James Wan.

I love James long time for his attempting to bring something different to the table with Saw after a decade of boring slasher Opie level obviousness.

Of course it had to be Americanized with 8 fucking sequels but still props to my limey fag Cary Elwes for his role in this eventual queer play of plot holes and gay plot twists.

James Wan is proficient but generic. I would say Ari Aster is probably the most interesting horror director right now (Im not a film expert, just a fan)


fuck jews
I saw Nope in theaters it was horrible. I have no idea why the asian guy from the walking deads character was in there. It showed him as a child actor on the set of a show with a pet monkey. The pet monkey freaks out over a balloon popping from the hot light so it kills everyone on set in the most sadistic fashion except asian guy and he grew up to be a cowboy or some shit. The woman was the most annoying woman in a movie I have ever seen. Then there was some camera in a well that took a picture of the ufo? I don't understand what the point of the movie was.

tldr Nope was a gigantic piece of shit.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Peele is one of those nerd niggers raised by a kike mother after his nigger father niggered off to be a nigger somewhere else.

Coalburner's curse is that their family is polite enough to not call this monkey a nigger but society at large just sees another piece of shit nigger.

Seethe you boot lipped nigger.


Access to the Debates
He is completely untalented and derivative.

My final year in school was a year or so after Get Out came out. One time a prof started a movie a discussion before class, mentioning he watched a good scary one on Netflix or some shit. A brown girl chimes in that he just has to see Get Out and it’s the best horror ever and all this shit. Most of the class joins in the praise. These were like 23-24 year olds of all ethnic backgrounds. I was a few years older than the average student since I spent my real college-aged years being a disaster.

I felt like I was on another planet. I’m picky with movies but I just couldn’t believe the initial hype that pile of shit got and how all these zoomers acted like it’s “sociology 101” racial critique was deeply layered. I hate shit where they just hit you over the head with their angle, no matter what the angle is, but especially when it’s meant to elicit “current year” political nonsense. What a way to date your movie.

Jordan Peele was the least talented Mad TV actor in his era. Name one memorable character he had. Yet this bum parlayed it into a lucrative Chappelle-lite show and somehow becoming the “it” horror director. Average shit for an average audience.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Us sucked, but I enjoyed Nope and Get out. There's far worse directors out there


I have sent him my script for a movie about slavery.

The year is 17whatever. An unmanned sailing ship washes up on a beach. A farmer goes to investigate and finds it full of black zombies chained up in the hold. A freak wave smashes into the ship splitting it open on a giant rock (hinted that it is Plymouth rock). The manacles are freed from the chains and the zombies start spilling out. The farmer flees back to the village to spread the news. The entire town arrives armed with chains and pitchforks. They capture all the zombies and put them to work. The village thrives.

I felt a happy ending was important to the script.