Jon Del Arroz is back on Twitter


He really is right wing Patrick with his awful hot takes, just red instead of blue. Women can't be strong, that's HOLLYWOOD tricking you! Get in the ring with a female MMA fighter you twitter tough guy.
All those anti SJW people are the exact same as the thing they hate. They will reply with "but we don't try and cancel anyone" as if that makes them immune to criticism.


Nighs Wonger, Stupid
All those anti SJW people are the exact same as the thing they hate. They will reply with "but we don't try and cancel anyone" as if that makes them immune to criticism.

Jon's just a grifter, and on a certain base level I respect anyone who can separate fools from their money.

It's his "following" that I despise. Just like Patrick's "following". Angry incel types who got into MAGA because you could insult leftist feminists. YOU TELL EM JON! I COULD KICK NATALIE PORTMAN'S ASS! I'VE TAKEN THE REDPILL ABOUT STRONG FEMALE LEADS IN HOLLYWEIRD! And then they donate $20 to his latest shitty kickstarter. Jesus fuck, at least Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro can craft an actual argument.


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
Anyone using a cartoon avatar of themselves to hide their fattiness is a faggot.

Imagine being an anti-SJW in 2022 like it's still edgy. When you look at Jon's body of work and take away the anti-SJW image, it's really just the same shit that the SJWs put out; creepy, soft, paedo bullshit that doesn't appeal to boys or young heterosexual men who have had sex with more than two women. It's almost like this guy is cut from the same cloth as the groups he criticises.

Other than that, I don't care.


Dude, I know you think I'm retarded...


Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
They will reply with "but we don't try and cancel anyone" as if that makes them immune to criticism.
lmao not even that and if they do, they walk it back sooner or later. The whole YouTube Skeptic community around Sargon of Akkad imploded because they wanted to gayop others they deemed to be Alt-Roight, only for those who'd been targeted to turn around a couple of years later and do the exact same shit to people daring to poke fun at them.

Ideology-driven politics on social media just seems to turn everyone into a lolcow.