John Lydon appreciation

He's a grifter
He didn’t, he was one of the only ones in the 70’s to speak about it openly and got banned for it by the BBC.
Lots of people spoke openly about it. It's a weird rewritting of history to say nobody mentioned it. Savile was even asked about it on tv.

It's sad he's got so fat and the sex pistols only had one half decent album but good on him looking after his nana of a wife.


Kate is Rubenesque 😍 Speaking of rubeneque, Johnny has let himself go, lay of the butter for a while, John.

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He don't look like that no mores. Here he is last year:



Posting in the bakowza
World Destruction is my favorite song of his, and my favorite song featured on the Sopranos. Shame it features another child molester though.

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
Will check them out. I’m a big fan of late 70s/80s post punk. PIL, Gang of Four, Wire, mission of Burma. That was probably the apex of rock music before it got commercially viable and gay
Ruts were good UK punk, nice reggae influence on occasion, Malcolm Owen heroin'd himself out of existence pretty early on but their musical output speaks for itself