Joe can't afford the Borgata - Of course Biden is to blame!

It's gotta be high end, $4 for an oyster!

I looked at some old menus. Looks like they cut their portion sizes and raised the price per ounce to balance it out.

That's like every food over the last 20 years. Bag of Doritos is $7. Big Mac meal was under $6. Now it's $13.

It would be neat if I could understand the correlation between food prices and the President, but I'm baffled. Seems like prices went up during COVID and companies were like, "Holy shit, people will pay $7 for Doritos." and it just sorta stayed there. Cuz you keep buying $7 bags of Doritos.

If sales of Doritos went down 40%, they'd probably lower prices.

What does Joe Biden have to do with that?

Is there some tariff on corn I don't know about that Biden enacted? 90% of this asshole country is corn. How the fuck are corn chips $7.

I got drunk and pissed in my hamper. Fuckin' Cumia brothers...
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For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
He clearly canceled them but his schedule says they are just " past events".

View attachment 212745

He isnt on the schedule

View attachment 212747

I dunno, The Mugshots might be entertaining...


Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Well, after whining about it for months, he spent exactly one night in his own bed, then woke up and immediately wanted to gamble. So I have to agree, that's definitely problematic.
Its only a problem when you arent good at it. If he was good at it than he wouldnt be bitching about menu prices. So by deductive reasoning. He does indeed have a gambling problem.


Which way?! Medium or well done?
Pretty sure I remember getting the surf & turf here for like, $110 and I haven't been to the Borgata in like 12 years.
Using meals at the Borgata as a metric for inflation as opposed to say, a gallon of milk or a dozen eggs, is a uniquely Cumia-style of idiocy.

Borgata probably intentionally inflates their prices at those restaurants to feel "premium" to the rubes pissing away their money there
Borgata probably intentionally inflates their prices at those restaurants to feel "premium" to the rubes pissing away their money there

Holy shit.

Dude. I think you're onto something here. Casinos....charge.....MORE than regular places!!!! By God, you're a fucking genius. Please post more. I need to hear more of this absolute wisdom you fucking teenager.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
A mid restaurant in a Casino in a failing city is expensive? I'm with ya Joe, thanks for posting that shit menu.

It's gotta be high end, $4 for an oyster!

He said it was more expensive now than a year ago? Wasn't Biden in office then? So, wouldn't it always be expensive?
I mean $10 for one jumbo shrimp is pretty ridiculous.