Joe brouette is an embarrassing douche

Love you bby

@CompoundBasement was the only reason I replied to your thread. I let you do your thing, but he just got so piled upon. Hope all is well le <3
That's why most people won't put the brakes on when it goes too far, especially where the Golden Schizo Negress is concerned. They're too afraid of that dreaded "car crash" reaction.

I'm still team leave the innocents alone. Especially the children and peripheral side characters.


I say FUCK you, Jobu.
mfw people come in here to defend me
How is this retard able to drive? Or even just  see in general? That has to be some fucking medical condition, the motherfucker's eyes are literally closed when they're "open".

Also, check out the classy sweat stain all over the front of Joe's goin'-to-town hat. I guarantee he does that along with wearing work boots everywhere so people know he's a beer drinkin' workin' man. Don't let the faggy earring fool you, folks. "If I go out without shit caked all over me, people might think I'm some pussy banker, judge or politician instead of my beer drinkin' hard workin' man seasonal job as a ski-lift repair man."


I say FUCK you, Jobu.
That's why most people won't put the brakes on when it goes too far, especially where the Golden Schizo Negress is concerned. They're too afraid of that dreaded "car crash" reaction.

I'm still team leave the innocents alone. Especially the children and peripheral side characters.
This man has a Goldberg tattoo on one arm and a Big Show tattoo on the other.


Calling all simps
How is this retard able to drive? Or even just  see in general? That has to be some fucking medical condition, the motherfucker's eyes are literally closed when they're "open".

Also, check out the classy sweat stain all over the front of Joe's goin'-to-town hat. I guarantee he does that along with wearing work boots everywhere so people know he's a beer drinkin' workin' man. Don't let the faggy earring fool you, folks. "If I go out without shit caked all over me, people might think I'm some pussy banker, judge or politician instead of my beer drinkin' hard workin' man seasonal job as a ski-lift repair man."
Probably requires a highly skilled surgeon just to get an eye exam for those glasses