Jim Norton would respect Barney’s clothing company if “they would just come out and admit they racially profile sometimes.”

Sue Lightning

"We are trying to come up with a *deep inhale* look for Chip. So *deep inhale* fans should come dressed as Chip and we have a best Chip lookalike contest"
"fund my Chip Cartoon"
This fucking tard is such a hypocrite its insane. The thing I always bring up is him telling Erock to stop idolizing people from his childhood and how about now as an adult. Meanwhile all his fucking idols are childhood heroes of his like Kiss and Sabbath.


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
I listen to some of the show daily. I’ll never say the show wasn’t one of the best audio shows of all time. Norton 1 third of that show, appeared extremely gay here. I hate it because I know on some level, he approached things as if it was a real possibility he might meet these people. He was defending jay-z shit talking stop and frisk and his bullshit beef with the clothing store.