Jim Norton Married a Tranny!

The only reason I go to the r/JimandSam sub is to see when people post new "Swordfight" clips.

This clip is fascinating. For those of you who do not have the intestinal fortitude to watch, Nikolas is mad that the Worm will not buy him a cabin in the Norwegian woods where they can be amongst nature and have trolls in their front yard.

He is also angry that Worm will not learn the Norse language or eat the Norwegian food that he makes for his 55 year old husband.

The Worm responds that Norwegian is not a pleasant language and he has no interest in trying new things, eating new cuisines, or living in new places because he is stuck in his ways. For someone in his 50s, he acts like he's 85 (like our Nana).

It is a hilarious clip (as a trainwreck) to watch and you can actively see the relationship failing.


How does that feel?!
The only reason I go to the r/JimandSam sub is to see when people post new "Swordfight" clips.

This clip is fascinating. For those of you who do not have the intestinal fortitude to watch, Nikolas is mad that the Worm will not buy him a cabin in the Norwegian woods where they can be amongst nature and have trolls in their front yard.

He is also angry that Worm will not learn the Norse language or eat the Norwegian food that he makes for his 55 year old husband.

The Worm responds that Norwegian is not a pleasant language and he has no interest in trying new things, eating new cuisines, or living in new places because he is stuck in his ways. For someone in his 50s, he acts like he's 85 (like our Nana).

It is a hilarious clip (as a trainwreck) to watch and you can actively see the relationship failing.

They fight during most of the podcast, over money of course. It has been said numerous times but this ship is sinking and I am enjoying every moment of it.

The Talking Dead

I'm close to death! Hahahaha hooooooly shit!!
The only reason I go to the r/JimandSam sub is to see when people post new "Swordfight" clips.

This clip is fascinating. For those of you who do not have the intestinal fortitude to watch, Nikolas is mad that the Worm will not buy him a cabin in the Norwegian woods where they can be amongst nature and have trolls in their front yard.

He is also angry that Worm will not learn the Norse language or eat the Norwegian food that he makes for his 55 year old husband.

The Worm responds that Norwegian is not a pleasant language and he has no interest in trying new things, eating new cuisines, or living in new places because he is stuck in his ways. For someone in his 50s, he acts like he's 85 (like our Nana).

It is a hilarious clip (as a trainwreck) to watch and you can actively see the relationship failing.

Jeeeesus, I actually watched that expecting it be just them doing their cutesy playacting "we're so different but we love each other really" thing that they do in all their little Instagram clips but fuck - you can tell this is serious. They both seem so unhappy.

It's more obvious than ever now that Jimmy totally persuaded this person to come live with/marry him against their will. Thor probably assumed that Jimmy's money and lifestyle would make up for being homesick and having no friends but reality is obviously setting in now. He's probably also fully realizing that he's married a 60 year old mollusc who he feels no physical attraction to at all.

They're both equally insufferable and deluded though honestly. It's more forgivable with Thor because he's still pretty young but just casually dropping that "I'm only talking $200K, not $500K". Yeah Jimmy is really gonna drop 200 grand on a cabin in the middle of nowhere in Norway for you that he knows he's never going to want to spend time in. That's not a ridiculous fantasy at all.

All said and done - there's no way this marriage is lasting longer than another 2-3 years. Jimmy is going to be left alone, humiliated and potentially stripped of half his money and there are no words for how funny that is.


-Former DMANIC
They could be happy with cabin in upstate New York, but Nick is a Norwegian ultra-nationalist who wants to be back in the greatest country in the world, which she believes due to the indoctrination of Norwegian schools.
Dude, Norway is pretty awesome, but…

“self-defense is not considered a valid reason for using a firearm, and automatic and semiautomatic weapons are heavily restricted.”

This may have been okie dokie prior to the Jew sponsored invasion, but now? I wouldn’t move there purely because I couldn’t defend my family and home against ooga booga.