I’ve been regularly doing intermittent fasting (16/8), and focusing on hydration as well as 20K a week total running


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Why are my shits all liquid? I eat good fiber, kefir, lean protein (turkey is the fawkin’ shit, especially dark meat ground turkey. Highly recommend, brothamen).

I cut back alcohol intake to one night a week. Saturday is my “go put and knock back a few” day, because I do parkrun that morning. I also enjoy a glass or two of wine if I’m staying in that night.

I’ve also reduced coffee intake to about 2-3 cups a day.

Still don’t understand the liquid doodies I’ve been making. Anyone got advice?

I’ve been doing this for going on a month now.
Is this honest advice or are you “yankin’ my chain” as they say?
nah, he's on-point with the soluble fibre husk (don't know brand name in ur country), another things to consider is how abruptly have you reduced alcohol? that can cause diarrhoea. Also sudden changes to diet, since your long-term developed gut flora haven't caught-up.

Personally I find a higher ratio of protein / carbs to suit me better, helps avoid the haitian mudslides


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
nah, he's on-point with the soluble fibre husk (don't know brand name in ur country), another things to consider is how abruptly have you reduced alcohol? that can cause diarrhoea. Also sudden changes to diet, since your long-term developed gut flora haven't caught-up.

Personally I find a higher ratio of protein / carbs to suit me better, helps avoid the haitian mudslides

I’d say I’ve reduced it quite significantly. I used to go out Friday and Saturday, with the occasional beer or two with dinner during the week one night. That puts me at a baseline of 3 nights’ worth of drinking. Now it’s down to 1, I’ll probably have upwards of 6 beers if I’m out with friends. If alone, I’ll have one to conclude an evening walk.

I’ll go to my supplement store this week to see if I can get husk to incorporated into my diet, with an update in the next month or so on the status of my logs.
Just count calories. Keto and intermittent fasting are redditor buzzwords to sell shitty fad diets to retards. The fact that joe cumia thinks keto and intermittent fasting are great should make you think twice. Eating frequency, number of meals, time of day you eat, all gay reddit bullshit; all that matters is your calories.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Just count calories. Keto and intermittent fasting are redditor buzzwords to sell shitty fad diets to retards. The fact that joe cumia thinks keto and intermittent fasting are great should make you think twice. Eating frequency, number of meals, time of day you eat, all gay reddit bullshit; all that matters is your calories.
A fair take, indeed. I’m not going Colleen levels. But I like to approach it in a disciplined way (e.g., noooo, child, you cannot eat that after a certain time). I am far more focused on counting calories and eating clean foods.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
I just started intermittent fasting and calorie counting. I’m only on day 3 but I already feel better. I cut way back on alcohol and will only have some if the calorie balance allows for it. I like the fasting because, like you, I want that discipline that eliminates evening snacking.

I’m much more conscious of what I am eating and it makes meal planning and grocery shopping easier.

I don’t know if you are using an app or not but I like the “lose it” app. Has a large database of food and nutritional breakdown.

I think once your body adjusts and maybe you tweak your intake you should be back to normal.


Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
Is this consistent ongoing diarrhea or just after you break your fast? I do 5 - 2 fasting and as soon as I break my fast the morning after I immediately need to run to the bathroom. My anus ejects the liquid with such force that I usually need to clean the bowl and seat after from the spray back. This happens everytime I fast without exception. The only thing I’ve found that helps slightly is taking my coffee black after a fast and limiting myself to one cup. But in terms of what I eat it doesn’t seem to matter, the second solid food hits my stomach I have to go give my toilet a shellacking

Harry Powell

Semen is the aggression of a man
I was all-in on the psyllium husk for a while there, but then I started having even more shotgun blast shits. I backed off for a few weeks and am slowly working my way back. Just wanted to share.