ITT: Overrated pieces of shit



The England National Football Team

(imagine inventing a sport...never winning the penultimate prize (FIFA World Cup) except once at home in 1966, in a rigged game against a depleted W.Germany)...Even tiny Uruguay has more World Cups Trophies.


The Backbone of America
He stinks and I don’t like him. He selfishly abused drugs and OD’ed and abandoned his doggo who was depressed ever since
Dalmatians are honestly terrible dogs across the board. They deserve to be depressed. They should be put in the pitbull final solution discussion as they serve zero purpose and are the most unpredictable pieces of shit I've ever spent time with.

Leonard Rhomberg

Who are you gonna replace me with?
Dalmatians are honestly terrible dogs across the board. They deserve to be depressed. They should be put in the pitbull final solution discussion as they serve zero purpose and are the most unpredictable pieces of shit I've ever spent time with.
Is that true? Honestly I’ve never even been with one in person before. Maybe seen a couple in my entire life


Helping those 8 to 80
I like Sublime I first heard them when I would leave the radio on after Howard ended KUFO played them and STP all the time along with 2000s butt rock


The Backbone of America
Is that true? Honestly I’ve never even been with one in person before. Maybe seen a couple in my entire life
Yeah, they're awful. Going back to their original purpose as carriage dogs, they were bred to be mean, fearless and deaf. They accompanied fire carriages and were basically the horses' bodyguards. There's still a bunch of them that are born hard of hearing, which doesn't help with them being unpredictably violent assholes. They're also way bigger and muscular than people think.

I've known a few of them, my buddy had one that I'd watch for him when she was a puppy and when she kept almost mauling children he wanted me to take her and I shot that down fast as fuck. That dog loved me, like more than him, yet still tried to lunge for my face a couple times and did bite the fuck out of him. I'm not into having a dog that will probably hurt someone. My uncle had one that was also mean but was also fucking retarded. It would lay in the road all the time and just wouldn't move. If anyone tried to move him, he'd bite. They also have a "scissor-bite" like a Doberman that does a lot of damage. They're also a gay looking dog in my opinion.

Another dog breed I hate is the blue heeler. The cocksuckers will just bite you hard for no reason, but at least they serve a purpose if they're actually working.