It's almost impressive how shit this movie was


Stand Alone Fruit
Any story that has backwards time travel falls apart if you think about it, no matter how good it is.

You just have to pretend nothing after T2 ever happened.
I liked that every time they did another sequel after 3 they had to tell people to forget what ever Terminator movies that were made after T2. By the last one it was “ok, we fucked up 3 times, but THIS is the true sequel to T2!” And it sure wasn’t. That’s what’s crazy to me - they got 4 chances and hundreds of millions of dollars and they just couldn’t get it right. I think during the press for the last one Arnold said it was to be the first of a trilogy (sounds like something James Cameron would want) but it didn’t make the money wanted so now the franchise is finally dead.

John Wayne Gacy

Patrick's real father
I probably like them both equally. Just depends what type of movie you're in the mood for. This scene is still so fawkin good..

Also young Linda Hamilton can absolutely get it, even with her stupid 80s hairdo.

Yeah, I'm also not like that faggot Rich Evans who plain dismisses the second one entirely because "the terminator wasn't the bad guy." I'm glad the sequel didn't just straight up repeat the first one and had its own tone and execution.


I didn't know that. It's funny because that movie had some of the most mediocre, forgettable actors in it in almost every role. The guy who played John Connor was boring af
Nick Stahl. He's actually a good actor - he was great as the eponymous Bully and was good in Carnivale. Like Furlong, he nearly killed himself with drugs, but I think he pulled himself together and is working again.