It's all white women's fault


Holding hands in a circle of N-words
It's the brown flood.


Fucking gross. Latinos are good people. Most I've met are very hard working and funny. I want to learn Spanish just because of the jokes.

Problem is they are massively irresponsible. They just spit out kids all the time and act like their 15 year old daughter being knocked up by a 24 year old bar regular is a Gift from God. Doing things like driving on the highway with a 2 year old sitting on their lap. They are going to (if they haven't already) fuck this education system raw.

Only reason the powerful people want them here is the cheap labor. These fucks pay no taxes and drive the wages down for everybody else while they take their cash straight to the Western Union to send to El Slavador and the coyotes who helped them cross the border.

Nice "Asylum", faggots.