It started in the Summer of 1958 when I mentioned in a telephone party line that I did not personally find Peter Sellers to be funny.



And as innocuous as that may sound, it was an enough of an infringement that this group of wet rags decided they would dedicate years to trying to drive me to suicide over it.



Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
I can’t accept that this isn’t actually papa clown.
I've decided it has to be. It all adds up too perfectly. The name sans E initial in one picture, age, school location, ski club, farmers club, fat, stupid fish-lipped cunt face that looks exactly like Pat's. It's him. Someone either pulled a hilarious jape to make Tommy's name Tom-E or they're a bunch of hillbilly retards and pressed the wrong key. The only Thomas E. Tomlinson is two/three years older than this one.


Imagine if we're just manifestations of a Tomlinson curse that spans generations?
Thaddeus Q. Tomlinson, a scribe and plow salesman, angered a witch in 1602 Plymouth Plantation when he announced that the village fool was naahht funny.

"Ye and your heirs will know not peace, Thaddeus Tomlinson! Aye, and ye'll be cursed with the countenance of swine!"

"No, yon hag Child, I verily will not. Thus are your evil spirits dreaming again."


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
I've decided it has to be. It all adds up too perfectly. The name sans E initial in one picture, age, school location, ski club, farmers club, fat, stupid fish-lipped cunt face that looks exactly like Pat's. It's him. Someone either pulled a hilarious jape to make Tommy's name Tom-E or they're a bunch of hillbilly retards and pressed the wrong key. The only Thomas E. Tomlinson is two/three years older than this one.
This one conked out