

-Former DMANIC

@Flavia's Rape Emporium , do you think they raped her?

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
Oh believe me I don't want any aid to go to Israel. I wouldn't mind if they literally fought each other to the death. I have a disdain for both sides. But there is something particularity visceral about seeing a bunch of swarthy dune coons rolling around in trucks snatching people that bothers me

Which dune coons?



Which dune coons?

Palestinian semites


Oh believe me I don't want any aid to go to Israel. I wouldn't mind if they literally fought each other to the death. I have a disdain for both sides. But there is something particularity visceral about seeing a bunch of swarthy dune coons rolling around in trucks snatching people that bothers me

some shitskin goatherders with AK's bother you more than .....
[checks notes]
the HQ of global degeneracy(educational marxism, porn, military complex etc.) post 1966 ?

da u.s.s. L-I-B-E-R-TEEEEE
you had it comin, kikes