Is there anything more hateable than view-chasing YouTubers?


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.

I hate them all equally....They all just latch onto whatever the latest controversy is....pull their soyboy OMG FACE!! for the thumbnail and move on to make another 5-6 videos on the same subject that day.

I hope they all get aids and die as slowly as possible the dumb cunts.
Everyone on social media just copies each other -- it's lame as hell. Every thumbnail uses the same fonts and formats, every video has a dumb "cold open" showing the best part of the video before doubling back to give context, everyone puts needless captions to try and suck in the people who just hover over the video. It's so calculated it makes the old fashioned "be sure to like and subscribe" at the end videos seem adorably quaint and grassroots by comparison.

There's something deeply undignified about adults emulating the clout chasing behaviours of teenagers and refusing to cede ground in the social spaces clearly designed for their demographic. (ie. TikTok)


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I hate them all equally....They all just latch onto whatever the latest controversy is....pull their soyboy OMG FACE!! for the thumbnail and move on to make another 5-6 videos on the same subject that day.

I hope they all get aids and die as slowly as possible the dumb cunts.
I’m kind of about this broad [MEDIA=gfycat]height=720;id=CaringUntimelyAmericanwarmblood;width=1280[/MEDIA]


The youtube formula has been stagnant since like 2015. That's how the Elsagate shit happened in the first place
thank you kind redditor. I just wanna look up people getting fucked up doing parkour.
then I get shit like this that has millions of views. I don't fawkin get it.
I don't wanna hear your dumbass narration faggot.


I'll just keep watching gold like this and ona intern shit
