is there anything cringier than rappers (especially ((white))) freestyling?


White or jew rappers are absolutely awful. I grew up in the peak wigger era and it’s hilarious to me now that that brand of white kid still exists. Was out yesterday after work and saw 3 kids looking like Kevin Federline with identical black, flat-brimmed hats, long white Ts, wispy shithead moustaches, etc. It’s an awful look.

It’s also funny seeing some aging mainstream rappers try to maintain relevance. 48 year old men dressing all flashy, trying to sound scary, cool, and/or virile while creaking around on stage.
Rapping (other than being a DJ) does not age well as an art form- the fact that dude's pushing 60 are still Rapping and dressing like high school kids is both hilarious and depressing. It's literally a genre for teens and young 20 somethings.


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
I hate free styling but I can rap pretty good but I can write decent to okay music in most styles. But whenever I improvise it has to be about gay rape and horrible shit
Rapping (other than being a DJ) does not age well as an art form- the fact that dude's pushing 60 are still Rapping and dressing like high school kids is both hilarious and depressing. It's literally a genre for teens and young 20 somethings.
Exactly. There's nowhere to go with it, nothing to aspire to. If you keep practicing rapping, you're never eventually going to rap with a jazz group or rap with a symphony orchestra, you're still just going to be rapping about the same dumb hood shit.