is there anything cringier than rappers (especially ((white))) freestyling?



No there isn’t. Fucking kike wiggers. Into the oven with all of ‘em.



Access to the Debates
White or jew rappers are absolutely awful. I grew up in the peak wigger era and it’s hilarious to me now that that brand of white kid still exists. Was out yesterday after work and saw 3 kids looking like Kevin Federline with identical black, flat-brimmed hats, long white Ts, wispy shithead moustaches, etc. It’s an awful look.

It’s also funny seeing some aging mainstream rappers try to maintain relevance. 48 year old men dressing all flashy, trying to sound scary, cool, and/or virile while creaking around on stage.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
The eminem one isn't that bad, especially compared to what would come later...



Nighs Wonger, Stupid
Sorry for being "so is professional wrestling real" guy, but freestyle rapping has always been kind of a hoax, right?

The first two youtube videos, Lil Dicky and Asher Roth. The Lil Dicky one is clearly rehearsed beforehand, like he had fucking flowers to give to the female cohost and "witty" punchlines. But the Asher Roth one is stupid enough lyrically, it sounds like Sam rapping on a Jnr Mnt track. He's talking about his water bottle and his dirty clothes, it just "feels" more like he's coming up with it on the spot.


fuck jews
Sorry for being "so is professional wrestling real" guy, but freestyle rapping has always been kind of a hoax, right?

The first two youtube videos, Lil Dicky and Asher Roth. The Lil Dicky one is clearly rehearsed beforehand, like he had fucking flowers to give to the female cohost and "witty" punchlines. But the Asher Roth one is stupid enough lyrically, it sounds like Sam rapping on a Jnr Mnt track. He's talking about his water bottle and his dirty clothes, it just "feels" more like he's coming up with it on the spot.

Niggers clarify that as an "off the top freestyle"
