Is there a bigger faggot on earth than this guy?


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson


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Lol. Mesh shirt and he looks like a young Bob Kelly. As has been said, Black Flag was good for a punk band for the stuff before Rollins joined. His music stinks and his spoken word is skin-crawlingly douchey. There was a podcast called Hoaxbusters that dug into all the prominent punk rock icons and found a lot of them had weird backgrounds, many from from rich and connected families with government ties. Rollins was no exception although I can't remember the specifics off hand, other than that his first band used to hold band practice on a military base. Real rebel this guy! He's also you-know-whoish which might explain his gay ass opinions that he thinks are so profound. Rumors about him being on the DL and whacking his old roommate Joe Cole, then blaming negroes. His fervent defense of the West Memphis 3 (along with other celebrity creeps) should make anyone question the story we're being told about that case, although that's a whole nother can of worms.

What I'm saying is he's a FAAaAAAG!
also, yes- there is zero proof he killed his roommate........

.......I wouldn't be shocked if he did BUT NONETHELESS there is no proof
I'll need to find it but there's tons of anecdotal evidence that he would fly into retarded and extremely violent rages at the drop of a hat. iirc there's rumblings from people who knew them both back in the day who have theorized he likely did it.