Is there a bigger faggot on earth than this guy?


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.

Imagine being 25, in a famous (yet shitty) rock band in the mid 80s and trying to physically and emotionally intimidate some dorky teenager who just wants to interview you. What a spastic retard cunt.

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
"Damaged" is the only good Rollins era BF record, but I concur. The pre-Rollins stuff is far superior. And the post-"Damaged" stuff ranges from "meh" to "bleh".
The “My War” demos are way better than the album was. Black Flag’s demos are generally better than anything they officially released. The “Damaged” album demos with Dez Cadena on vocals shits all over the Rollins version.

Black Flag is one of those weird bands where it seems like every show was recorded. Shows that were thought to not have been recorded have been surfacing over the past decade. Rollins was just a massive prick to every crowd he played in front of.
The “My War” demos are way better than the album was. Black Flag’s demos are generally better than anything they officially released. The “Damaged” album demos with Dez Cadena on vocals shits all over the Rollins version.

Black Flag is one of those weird bands where it seems like every show was recorded. Shows that were thought to not have been recorded have been surfacing over the past decade. Rollins was just a massive prick to every crowd he played in front of.
That's Rollins, always bestowing upon lesser mortals the wisdom and life lessons he accumulated while fronting a fading, dying hardcore punk band. He traveled around the USA in a van, you see, and encountered the best and the worst humanity has to offer, and now he's gonna tell you all about it by berating and insulting you with an air of smug superiority about him the entire time.


I have a face like a shovel
Rollins is in "Morrissey terrritory" (for me, at least) in the sense that that nigga can do any wrong in my eyes....

He (like Morrissey) was a part of my cringe teenage years.

Also on that list:
Garth Ennis (he wrote "Hitman" and "Preacher" so he gets a free pass for life)


I have a face like a shovel
also, yes- there is zero proof he killed his roommate........

.......I wouldn't be shocked if he did BUT NONETHELESS there is no proof