Is sex addiction real?

Is sex addiction real?

  • Fuck no, kikes at it again

  • Yes, child. I'm an old testament sex god who's had sex with 2 women, so I know the struggle

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When I was like 19-20 I had a temporary summer job working for the county road department. They'd send you out in a truck with a real employee and you'd fill potholes, cut weeds, fix guardrails and etc. I was working with this one guy who was banging a stripper he met. Ultimate butterface. He'd park the truck a few streets over from her place, and he'd go fuck her while I smoked weed and took naps in the truck. If they called him on the radio, I'd hit the horn.

One day we pull over on the side of the road next to a big strawberry farm. The stripper parked behind us, then he took her out into the strawberry patch to fuck her. While he was going at it, the foreman pulled up. He asked me where so-and-so was and I was like "ummmm, uh, he was here a second ago". Then they come running out of the field. She jumped in her car and took off. He was all stooped over and grabbing at his crotch. The foreman was all WTF, then the dude says "I have a problem, I'm a sex addict. I just pulled her panties to the side and now I have a severe cock burn". He ended up getting a month off with pay and had to go to outpatient counseling. It was all bullshit, as he was actually doing tons of blow and meth, and still had those problems when he came back to work.


Still spreading the O&A virus
You can be addicted to anything
Yeah people are addicted to gambling, porn, eating, drinking, drugs, games, even working out or starving yourself. People in modern today are addicted to stuff like social media or plastic surgery. I would say way more sex addicts are addicted to pornography than having actual sex. Including the ones who have ready access to sex.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
When I was like 19-20 I had a temporary summer job working for the county road department. They'd send you out in a truck with a real employee and you'd fill potholes, cut weeds, fix guardrails and etc. I was working with this one guy who was banging a stripper he met. Ultimate butterface. He'd park the truck a few streets over from her place, and he'd go fuck her while I smoked weed and took naps in the truck. If they called him on the radio, I'd hit the horn.

One day we pull over on the side of the road next to a big strawberry farm. The stripper parked behind us, then he took her out into the strawberry patch to fuck her. While he was going at it, the foreman pulled up. He asked me where so-and-so was and I was like "ummmm, uh, he was here a second ago". Then they come running out of the field. She jumped in her car and took off. He was all stooped over and grabbing at his crotch. The foreman was all WTF, then the dude says "I have a problem, I'm a sex addict. I just pulled her panties to the side and now I have a severe cock burn". He ended up getting a month off with pay and had to go to outpatient counseling. It was all bullshit, as he was actually doing tons of blow and meth, and still had those problems when he came back to work.

I wanna interview that dude, thats the coolest man I’ve ever heard of

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
"Don't finger your girl's asshole while you're doing coke, because if your nose gets runny and you wipe it with your finger, everything smells like shit all day". That's what I remember best about that guy, that quote. He later became the foreman there, BTW.

He should write some kinda Confucian book of wisdom, id read it


It is and real sex addicts are extremely sad people. The high isn’t sticking your dick in a hole, it’s chasing a dragon that doesn’t exist.

I believe most of, if not all gay men are afflicted by this that’s why the scene is soo degenerate. It’s a mental state where you’re constantly pushing all boundaries to scratch the itch because the norm diesnt satiate the appetite.

I once met a woman who could only cum from sex with strangers. She had a husband and kids but for some reason sex was only pleasurable if it was with a stranger and she could only fuck them once. Her life was a sad circle of constantly trying to find new people to provide her that high.


The struggle is real, baby boy.



A circle of N-words
You can be addicted to the dumping of dopamine. Edging lets you sustain that release for an extended period if time until you orgasm. I think the longest I edged for was around 4 hrs on a Saturday while the missus was out. Foreskin got tender. Hope the ladies on this forum see the shit a brotherman got to go through over a picture of fat tits with a hacked up turkey in the background.