Is Body mutilation the biggest red flag?

I mean the answer is no not the biggest, but yes it's a red flag.

But I'm a single guy in my 30's. Trying to find single women without a host of abortions+kids is difficult. Trying to find single women with neither is even more difficult.

Trying to find single women with no abortions, no kids, a 5 or higher AND no profound mental illness? That's the holy grail. It's doable, but very, very difficult.

Even thinking abt low grade red flags like tattoos and self-mutilation is wishful thinking. At least in my dating pool. It sucks, but the Jews have already won, they're just letting us live for a few more generations to play out the string for the purposes of humiliation. We have to make peace with the fundamentally broken nature of our people.

I realize that I am effort-posting in a jokey thread. Fuck it.


Reginald VelPenis
My buddy had a crazy ex that wore big fake eyelashes. She was super pretty without them, but if she ever went out she'd jazz herself up like a porn star. One time they got into an argument at a bar and she started bawling. She was sitting there crying to me about what a mean asshole my best friend is and I noticed that one of the eyelashes was hanging off. I'd given her zero input about the whole stupid fight but I was like "You're crying your fake eyelashes off." And then she started crying even harder and ran outside and ended up just going home.

There was another time she was crying about something in the car with her head in her hands and when she lifted her head up, one of the fake eyelash things was pasted to her forehead. Everyone couldn't help but laugh, which again pissed her off more.