Is Beige Frequency really a tranny?

Serious Business

Hooli's for me forever, sta‎lker. Never for you.
I think this might be what people are referring to. Closest I ever heard anyway. Not quite "defending", especially in the context of his larger point, but I can understand why people wouldn't want to offer much middle ground on that issue.

For my tastes, Beige just kind of got boring. He lost his impish, wry jokester vibe and leaned into his artist with opinions vibe. But the Genoa, Cumia, and Lady Di docs are all great and I always got the impression he was one of the good ones.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
On Twitter. He deleted a lot of it but you could probably still find bits and pieces if you’re bored enough to investigate

Which tranny? I unsubbed when he started doing only MMA shit
I've been an MMA fan since pre-UFC, long before MMA was the official name of the sport and I still don't want to watch some faggot spout the obvious about it for 30 minutes on YT.