International News: 2 hot Lesbians bloodied by teenage boys on public transit for "not kissing" (LESBIAN HATE THREAD)


I remember that picture with them sitting there all bloodied up. Wow I never knew that they had video of the event and the blonde actually got uppity and went to attack the guys in the back and ended up getting her ass beat. I love how that was conveniently left out of all the media stories about this 'hate crime'. It was a bunch of teenagers being dumb, making lesbo jokes and they couldn't handle it and turned it into physical violence and in turn get their asses beat because they are women and then all of a sudden its the teenagers fault. Gimme a fuckin break.
Which article shows the video of the event? I wanna laugh.


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
Which article shows the video of the event? I wanna laugh.

First time I've seen it. Fucking lmao at the kid doing the "scissoring" gesture at the beginning.

And yeah, Christina (or the blonde, whatever her name is) marches down the end of bus to slap one of them, and then wonders why her and her bitch's faces got bloodied and shit.


I can't pick a side when it's LGBT vs Muslims, I just want more of it.
(artist rendition)

@Sue Lightning

(dms bothering @admin from these hoes in 3-2-1_


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
Comments turned off.

There's one with the comments open.




Look at this retard.


The incident took place on the top deck of the bus, so how would the driver know what was going on? Besides the situation only escalated because "brave" Christina decided to take a swing at a teenager. Why should the bus driver put his job on the line and physically intervene? Because they're gay women? The lesbians should've went downstairs and told the bus driver what happened, and maybe stayed there on the bottom deck until they arrived at their destination instead of sitting on top with the cool kids. But no, the lesbians had "stand up for themselves" and they got their shit kicked in.


NYC Mayor
The lesbians should've went downstairs and told the bus driver what happened, and maybe stayed there on the bottom deck until they arrived at their destination instead of sitting on top with the cool kids. But no, the lesbians had "stand up for themselves" and they got their shit kicked in.

Two gaping slit gashes running to a Man with dick and balls, begging him to protect them. Daddy! Make the mean little boys go away!

Lol, these 2 bitches in this story are such fucking clowns. They desperately wanted to control the narrative and hated the fact that they couldn't. And then hated when people pushed back, or even asked questions.

First they wanted the world to know what happened. (Attention seeking, thus the bloody picture.) Then they got angry that the details got out. (Control freaks mad they got TOO MUCH sympathy and felt like Weaklings.) Then they got pissed off when the news media left out certain details (Like the fact that the beaten lesbians were actually BISEXUAL tough guys who picked a fight with teen boys and got fucking rocked.)

This Christina cunt literally tried to "correct the record" about the story, and the very first thing out of her mouth was "Actually, I'm BISEXUAL! Isn't that shocking???" Her big important correction for the story was "Actually I go both ways (YOU still can't figure me out!!!) AND I hit first (BADASS CHICK!)"

The blond one "CHRIS" has so many qualities that pester me. She's a trashy, violent slimeball American picking fights in other countries. She uses a boy's name to make herself feel like a full person. She thinks she's soo edgy because she kisses girls. She literally pretended to be sick so little boys would stop bullying her. Lmao

The one from Urguay is just corny as fuck. She's a third world Spic, so she has these dopey beliefs and sees herself as this artistic poet. Of course she was the bottom bitch who just sat there while Christina Butch went over to defend the honor of her bitch. And then Mrs. Mustache soon followed "on an impulse." The way she told the story made it sound like she was confused and lost, had no idea where anyone was, or what was happening. "I went over there on an impulse to find my date bleeding!!!" When the footage clearly shows all this happening right at their seats. Lying fucking cunts.

I am pissed off about this 5 year old story.


NYC Mayor
This whole thread has me tickled pink. I can't stop laughing.

I had to post this story because it struck every chord I had, and that was only after reading the first article. The more Guggling I did as this thread progressed, the story unfolded exactly how I knew it would. I was actually surprised that these dumb holes volunteered the embarassing information themselves.

Dumb holes ran to the media every few days to give them updates, and each time they changed their story, it somehow made them look even dumber than before.