in 2018 a crack commando sub reddit was banned for a crimes they committed

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me

after the reddit was nuked, i remember finding this forum through some random voat link or some random shitty site a few years ago

kiwifarms blows because null needs the notoriety

he is really trying hard to push his faggotry on the ona forums because it's that niche and esoteric

keep being a faggot null, keep grasping at smoke

the virus keeps spreading, and ona have your most annoying posters here, same with ed

you don't need 1000 normies

you need 30 spergs

your forums are desolate city

this forum is a ghetto in a ghetto in a ghetto

each cave has a thousand voices

and none of them snitched to the feds

keep living in russia you commie fuck

choke on the freedom


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Lt. Col. 'THE NIGGER MAN' Smith loves it when a plan comes together.
