Imagine you're a young Queen Elizabeth II


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
are we all under the agreement was that if she wore a skirt, didn't talk with that shrill voice, and didn't do that Deplorables thing she would have won- right?

I'm not a fan of hers at all but it seemed like those three things (especially THAT VOICE) cost here an election
Not so. Dumdum Hillary's been on tv her entire political career. Hillary changing positions was Trump's best campaign ad. Hard to be sincere when you've been documented a lifelong phony.

Would still bang tho.
The most powerful female of the Homo-Sapiens species...but you look like this:


What's the point of having "royalty" when you don't even have the common/attainable prestige of attractive-ness?

You're not even're clearly below average (while not yet ugly) must have been miserable. Imagine you're Elizabeth and you see some homely Tibetan girl who is clearly just naturally beautiful, but also a peasant? Would you feel superior? I wouldn't. (Then again, I'm a guy and not intimidated by, say, a good-looking bum...but as a woman, every pretty woman is a rival/status challenger).

You should never be a Queen or Princess if you look should never be a King if you look feeble. Sorry but if you're not the 'pinnacle' of those traits, at least just have them.
Surprised no one has yet said that she looks like a Jew broad here because she kinda does. Aren’t the royals all supposed to be Rothschilds?


Which way?! Medium or well done?
The Queen, by virtue of not being overweight/obese, and maintaining some form of feminity, was more conventionally attractive than probably 85% of the women everyone on these boards will end up marrying.

Queen Maxima 95%. This is like in the Sex and the City thread where people were acting like Kim Cattrall in her prime was "just OK."

Sometimes a lot of the brothamen on here come across like brothaboys who don't get how real life goes down. Look at the average woman as you're walking down the street.


The Backbone of America
I don't know if OP is trolling but she looks like a perfectly normal woman....probably very pleasant, and still not jaded by having the FUCKING weight of the world on her shoulders.

it actually kinda breaks your heart.

I saw a picture of my mom when she was 16, and I just saw all the innocence, and, it's not like she is not even that young woman old lady who had a shit bag son, a shitty husband, and a sister (who was the world to her) who is a quadriplegic
I'm sure your mother was very fuckable at one point. I bet I'd still let her blow me if i was drunk and she didn't expect me to reciprocate. Cheer up, sport.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
The most powerful female of the Homo-Sapiens species...but you look like this:


What's the point of having "royalty" when you don't even have the common/attainable prestige of attractive-ness?

You're not even're clearly below average (while not yet ugly) must have been miserable. Imagine you're Elizabeth and you see some homely Tibetan girl who is clearly just naturally beautiful, but also a peasant? Would you feel superior? I wouldn't. (Then again, I'm a guy and not intimidated by, say, a good-looking bum...but as a woman, every pretty woman is a rival/status challenger).

You should never be a Queen or Princess if you look should never be a King if you look feeble. Sorry but if you're not the 'pinnacle' of those traits, at least just have them.
All in with the powerful looking kings


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
are we all under the agreement was that if she wore a skirt, didn't talk with that shrill voice, and didn't do that Deplorables thing she would have won- right?

I'm not a fan of hers at all but it seemed like those three things (especially THAT VOICE) cost here an election
She fucked up by saying she always carries hot sauce in her purse too. All the black dudes I worked with got offended over that. It was such obvious bull shit and racist. If Trump said that it would still be on the front page of reddit