Attack on titan is good, get over it. Better than the sopranos or the wire. "sheeet, life be like chess yo!!", "gabagool!!" lol
I'm also watching, right now, a butthurt, semi-literate unemployed loser try his best to justify his pathetic e-celeb obsession by deflecting and talking about anime, and repeating the same reddit tier insults like "incel".
There's nothing more "incel" and socially retarded than stalking a more boring version of Chris-Chan, all day every day, with your online friends. You're a fucking zero, like everyone here, except 1600 elo Boqnaldo.
You mean remember when I was the only person who (rightly) ridiculed the fat livestream man from day 1, while every single one of you cretins jumped in like white knights, trying your best to virtually tongue his asshole to get on his podcast that less than 10 people watched? I remember.
If you thought I ever considered Dullen "based", you don't have the intelligence to understand simple irony.
The average patstalker refreshes pat's twitter one thousand times a day, some literally have gigabyte sized folders of nothing but a fat idiot's tweets. They need to talk to their online friends about how much of a loser he is everyday, much like redditors need to talk about evil nazis and transphobes everyday to re-enforce their delusions of superiority, and to bolster their low self-esteem.