Im hate watching Stephen Colbert


Stand Alone Fruit
His show was gone by the time Trump came and everything became political. I'm genuinely curious to how his show would be if his was around during the Trump timeline.

Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy his show and it did make me laugh several times, but I can't help but wonder if the show would have shifted at any point.
I wonder that too since I loved Ferguson’s show and liked that it was just him being silly. I remember he even once said he wouldn’t do jokes about someone in the media because it was “too easy”. I think only once he got political on his cold open but I could be wrong. I went to a taping of his show and watched him come up with the cold open - he literally would sit there for a couple minutes in silence and look around the set. Then he would tell the crew “ok, I got it” and then go with something off the top of his head. Compare that to Colbert who doesn’t have an original thought in his head.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
He was always bad. Look up when he took over for Letterman, he was so bad as “non-political” they were ready to fire him. If Trump didn’t run he would have been replaced by 2017. At the time others was going viral for what they did with their guests (especially Fallon) while Colbert bored everyone to death. When he tried to entertain without hack left leaning politics he was awful. He’s shit.
His show was so bad and tanking in the ratings before Trump CBS was ready to replace him with James Corden. It was that bad.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
I wonder that too since I loved Ferguson’s show and liked that it was just him being silly. I remember he even once said he wouldn’t do jokes about someone in the media because it was “too easy”. I think only once he got political on his cold open but I could be wrong. I went to a taping of his show and watched him come up with the cold open - he literally would sit there for a couple minutes in silence and look around the set. Then he would tell the crew “ok, I got it” and then go with something off the top of his head. Compare that to Colbert who doesn’t have an original thought in his head.
Even if Ferguson did, I can't see him being anywhere as bad as Colbert or Kimmel. He'd probably crack a few silly jokes about Trump and then move on to something else. Him spending a whole monolouge being political I can't see. Even when he was doing his Sirius show when Trump was around it still wasn't political and just him having fun. Being overtly political and preachy wasn't Ferguson's game.

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
Yea, I watched Ferguson on You Tube, wish I would have watched him when he was on. I loved that chill format.


I feel like the only one but I never liked "the colbert report" either. I got the joke but ne er liked his smugness like people actually believe what he's saying.