Im hate watching Stephen Colbert



With guest AOC! Hoping she shows her tits.

Live report here's the propaganda machine in full effect:

-Jan 6th first thing Mention, " Liz Cheney has giant cohones" ...praising the Cheney family now.

-Jan 6th second joke, "coockoo, aooohga"

-he said the phrase Jan 6th... 10 times

- he's such a shill for the state, he should kill himself. No money is worth this.

-his monologs is half just playing clips from the hearings (which are totally bullshit, surprise surprise)

-hes getting red faced and excited repeating political words and phrases. "Tresson" "sedition" "democracy""JAIL!" "PRISON!"

-10 minutes in this is still his only topic. TRUMP eats KFC ...LOL

-Puts his face a foot from the camera. Still not a single punch line.

-michael Flynn pleaded the fifth. He sang the entire national anthem with the only lyric being "fifth"....the whole fucking thing. If you like cringe shit, you should look this up. Band plays and standing O after. Crowd sings along. They are ALL wearing masks.

Monologue over.

16 minutes. 100% about Jan 6th. About 8 minutes was raw court footage with no comic relief. Not a single punchline. Not a chuckle. Entirely political lecture. Entirely about Trump. On CBS, late Nighy slot. LA needs that giant earthquake.

If I never post here again it's because I put a bullet in my head after watching this. Why am I such a faggot that I did this to myself.

Was going to report on the whole thing but tapping out. I'm not going to be able to handle this shrieking lying cunt.




Stand Alone Fruit
He was always bad. Look up when he took over for Letterman, he was so bad as “non-political” they were ready to fire him. If Trump didn’t run he would have been replaced by 2017. At the time others was going viral for what they did with their guests (especially Fallon) while Colbert bored everyone to death. When he tried to entertain without hack left leaning politics he was awful. He’s shit.
I went to a taping of The Colbert Report once. Before the show he came out and fielded questions from the audience and I found him to be personable, engaging, and genuinely (I'd tell you if I was lying) funny. I thought he'd do a good job being himself and not his character. One episode and it was clear either he had to play ball and be a shill or his brain had been totally broken in the years since. Politics aside I've never once seen the funny likeable guy that he was, he always seems cold and bitter beneath a phony smile. Pretty sad actually. Oh well he did this so fuck him.



I went to a taping of The Colbert Report once. Before the show he came out and fielded questions from the audience and I found him to be personable, engaging, and genuinely (I'd tell you if I was lying) funny. I thought he'd do a good job being himself and not his character. One episode and it was clear either he had to play ball and be a shill or his brain had been totally broken in the years since. Politics aside I've never once seen the funny likeable guy that he was, he always seems cold and bitter beneath a phony smile. Pretty sad actually. Oh well he did this so fuck him.

I remember one episode of tough crowd he was on and he seemed to really like it and was able to fit in effortlessly. He has to have some real good egg style sense of humor in there somewhere.

I know (((they))) targeted Kimmel as a shill probably because of his sick kid. They must have something on this guy. They can't say no to a million a week. Fuck, I'd be dancing for vaccines for 5k a week who am I kidding


With guest AOC! Hoping she shows her tits.

Live report here's the propaganda machine in full effect:

-Jan 6th first thing Mention, " Liz Cheney has giant cohones" ...praising the Cheney family now.

-Jan 6th second joke, "coockoo, aooohga"

-he said the phrase Jan 6th... 10 times

- he's such a shill for the state, he should kill himself. No money is worth this.

-his monologs is half just playing clips from the hearings (which are totally bullshit, surprise surprise)

-hes getting red faced and excited repeating political words and phrases. "Tresson" "sedition" "democracy""JAIL!" "PRISON!"

-10 minutes in this is still his only topic. TRUMP eats KFC ...LOL

-Puts his face a foot from the camera. Still not a single punch line.

-michael Flynn pleaded the fifth. He sang the entire national anthem with the only lyric being "fifth"....the whole fucking thing. If you like cringe shit, you should look this up. Band plays and standing O after. Crowd sings along. They are ALL wearing masks.

Monologue over.

16 minutes. 100% about Jan 6th. About 8 minutes was raw court footage with no comic relief. Not a single punchline. Not a chuckle. Entirely political lecture. Entirely about Trump. On CBS, late Nighy slot. LA needs that giant earthquake.

If I never post here again it's because I put a bullet in my head after watching this. Why am I such a faggot that I did this to myself.

Was going to report on the whole thing but tapping out. I'm not going to be able to handle this shrieking lying cunt.


Reads like a fake 4chan greentext. Jeeeeesus Christ.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
I miss Craig Ferguson, not one mention of politics, just silly fun.



(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
I went to a taping of The Colbert Report once. Before the show he came out and fielded questions from the audience and I found him to be personable, engaging, and genuinely (I'd tell you if I was lying) funny. I thought he'd do a good job being himself and not his character. One episode and it was clear either he had to play ball and be a shill or his brain had been totally broken in the years since. Politics aside I've never once seen the funny likeable guy that he was, he always seems cold and bitter beneath a phony smile. Pretty sad actually. Oh well he did this so fuck him.

I love that he caught covid like 3 times or something? Nice booster and Paxlovid rebound infection, FAGGOT!


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
With guest AOC! Hoping she shows her tits.

Live report here's the propaganda machine in full effect:

-Jan 6th first thing Mention, " Liz Cheney has giant cohones" ...praising the Cheney family now.

-Jan 6th second joke, "coockoo, aooohga"

-he said the phrase Jan 6th... 10 times

- he's such a shill for the state, he should kill himself. No money is worth this.

-his monologs is half just playing clips from the hearings (which are totally bullshit, surprise surprise)

-hes getting red faced and excited repeating political words and phrases. "Tresson" "sedition" "democracy""JAIL!" "PRISON!"

-10 minutes in this is still his only topic. TRUMP eats KFC ...LOL

-Puts his face a foot from the camera. Still not a single punch line.

-michael Flynn pleaded the fifth. He sang the entire national anthem with the only lyric being "fifth"....the whole fucking thing. If you like cringe shit, you should look this up. Band plays and standing O after. Crowd sings along. They are ALL wearing masks.

Monologue over.

16 minutes. 100% about Jan 6th. About 8 minutes was raw court footage with no comic relief. Not a single punchline. Not a chuckle. Entirely political lecture. Entirely about Trump. On CBS, late Nighy slot. LA needs that giant earthquake.

If I never post here again it's because I put a bullet in my head after watching this. Why am I such a faggot that I did this to myself.

Was going to report on the whole thing but tapping out. I'm not going to be able to handle this shrieking lying cunt.


I've gotten so disgusted with all political shows, even if I agree with them, I just can't anymore, it's better for my psyche.


I miss Craig Ferguson, not one mention of politics, just silly fun.

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His show was gone by the time Trump came and everything became political. I'm genuinely curious to how his show would be if his was around during the Trump timeline.

Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy his show and it did make me laugh several times, but I can't help but wonder if the show would have shifted at any point.