I'm guessing he will wear his COD T-shirt for this.


Go work. Get Sandwiches
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"a high end, sit down, well produced musical extravaganza"

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Jesus Christ, that is a sad, sad picture. He actually sits there, in front of people, wearing those tattered, sweaty old rags. You can even see his unsightly man-titty flopping from his comically oversized arm holes. I mean damn, man, maybe invest in a new T shirt once every ten or eleven years.
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There is a certain definition for getting money and then spending it frivolously which I can't remember. You would think Joe might try to save a few shekels these days now that Nana's checks aren't coming in, but no, he has to treat himself to a nice relaxing two day vacation in Atlantic City
"Relaxing"...LOL. Joe "works" for maybe two or three hours a week, playing karaoke in local dives for tips. He's spent the bulk of the last forty years "relaxing".