I'm getting mixed messages here

Clint Ruin

I'm sorry, who are you?

One day, Rick is telling people our stated goal is to drive him to suicide, the next he is admitting we have no goals. Weird how the "facts" change depending who he's talking to.


This is one of my favorite Pigadigms.

To understand this, you really have to think about just how deep and complicated his narcissistic delusions have become.

Everything Pig projects is to preserve his fragile ego. We know this. Everything about his persona, lifestyle, backstory, everything. This includes his relationship with us. At first, he believed we were alt-right trolls attacking him for his political takes. When it became clear that wasn't the reason, he decided it was because we were psychotically defending Norm McDonald. Now it's because we're sadistic cyberterrorists hellbent on driving him to suicide. This is of course all so he doesn't have to admit that he's 1) a toxic asshole on Twitter himself, and 2) too stubborn to let anything go.

He MUST keep this story going because, to Patrick, everything is riding on it being true. Not just the outcome of his litigation against us, but his very soul is at stake. If he's wrong - if we really are just trolling him because he feeds us - this means that he really is a lolpig, nevermind that his lawsuit will fail. And you've heard him say it over and over - there is no such thing as lolcows, not in Pig's fantasy world. In his world, we are wrong and he is right - not in the legal sense, but in the universal, moral sense. It doesn't matter if he lies in court, files false evidence, commits perjury, or even kills one of us because all of that pales in comparison to what WE'VE done to him. Nothing else matters in his mind - he doesn't need to prove anything in court, doesn't need evidence, doesn't even need to tell the truth - he's convinced himself that all he has to do is get in front of judge and tell him we're evil and that's it. Off to jail we go. And he has to believe this because, besides being pot-comitted financially, he can't mentally cope with a scenario where we walk free, having done nothing illegal, and he's left having to reconcile the reality that he brought this on himself. He would rather burn his own life down.

Over the last year, more and more people, notably civilians, are asking him WHY the FUCK he continues to engage with us, and he can never provide an answer. He'll say he's tried ignoring us (lie), he'll say he's baiting us into doxxing ourselves (he has multiple doxxes already), he'll even say it's to ultimately escalate this to a violent confrontation so he can justifiably murder one of us (not gonna happen). But again, these are the reasons he comes up with to retroactively justify his compulsion to keep feeding the trolls.

What's amazing is he has in those same words accused US of the same mental gymnastics, claiming we're not really trolling him just because he keeps feeding us - that's just the delusional reason we tell ourselves to justify our own evil proclivities. Again, projection. He's so close to self awareness, he's knocking on the glass peering inside, but self awareness won't open the door.
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Which way?! Medium or well done?
This is one of my favorite Pigadigms.

To understand this, you really have to think about just how deep and complicated his narcissistic delusions have become.

Everything Pig projects is to preserve his fragile ego. We know this. Everything about his persona, lifestyle, backstory, everything. This includes his relationship with us. At first, he believed we were alt-right trolls attacking him for his political takes. When it became clear that wasn't the reason, he decided it was because we were psychotically defending Norm McDonald. Now it's because we're sadistic cyberterrorists hellbent on driving him to suicide. This is of course all so he doesn't have to admit that he's 1) a toxic asshole on Twitter himself, and 2) too stubborn to let anything go.

He MUST keep this story going because, to Patrick, everything is riding on it being true. Not just the outcome of his litigation against us, but his very soul is at stake. If he's wrong - if we really are just trolling him because he feeds us - this means that he really is a lolpig, nevermind that his lawsuit will fail. And you've heard him say it over and over - there are no such thing as lolcows, not in Pig's fantasy world. In his world, we are wrong and he is right - not in the legal sense, but in the universal, moral sense. It doesn't matter if he lies in court, files false evidence, commits perjury, or even kills one of us because all of that pales in comparison to what WE'VE done to him. Nothing else matters in his mind - he doesn't need to prove anything in court, doesn't need evidence, doesn't even need to tell the truth - he's convinced himself that all he has to do is get in front of judge and tell him we're evil and that's it. Off to jail we go. And he has to believe this because, besides being pot-comitted financially, he can't allow himself to accept a reality where we walk free, having done nothing illegal, and he's left having to reconcile the reality that he brought this on himself. He would rather burn his own life down.

Over the last year, more and more people, notably civilians, are asking him WHY the FUCK he continues to engage with us, and he can never provide an answer. He'll say he's tried ignoring us (lie), he'll say he's baiting us into doxxing ourselves (he has multiple doxxes already), he'll even say it's to ultimately escalate this to a violent confrontation so he can justifiably murder one of us (not gonna happen). But again, these are the reasons he comes up with to retroactively justify his compulsion to keep feeding the trolls.

What's amazing is he has in those same words accused US of the same mental gymnastics, claiming we're not really trolling him just because he keeps feeding us - that's just the delusional reason we tell ourselves to justify our own evil proclivities. Again, projection. He's so close to self awareness, he's literally knocking on the glass peering inside, but self awareness won't open the door.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
he can’t get his timeline right. He’s gone from saying we’ve been stalking him for 3 years to 3 1/2 years to 4 years in the matter of 2 months
He's previously said he was swatted twice before we even heard of him, and there's a post on here trying to figure out how long he's been a "professional author" (TL,DR: he can't keep his story straight).