Im getting kicked out of my room tomorrow


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Congrats on finishing your service! How long have you been enlisted?
His service wasn't the only thing he finished off in the navy.

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medium wyzzz

Everything is packed and in my car. This is fawkin it boys, you’ll never hear me complain as long as I live unless its about blacks or kikes. Im pretty annoyed that they told me I couldnt stay in the room for my last few weeks while on leave but either way Im thrilled to get out of this hellhole.
I think Im gonna buy a tent and camp for a few weeks before my big road trip that will start in September.
You all got me through a hard time blah blah blah, time to fuck some Tijuana slores (Im bringing back calling girls slores). Maybe on my way home I’ll stop at Hooligans, I’ll keep you updated.

Where you gonna settle down at dude?


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
Remember to wear one of these everywhere you go and take advantage of those sweet discounts.

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My grandpa will obsessively carry around his VA card and asks for discounts. My uncle or I will take turns paying for golf and he’ll flip out asking if we asked about the VA card. We’ve played about a hundred times there and they don’t give veterans a discount. He at least did his time in WW2.


Remember to wear one of these everywhere you go and take advantage of those sweet discounts.

View attachment 61483
Got a little bumpy coming out of the weather on Long Island (in the water as I write this) and the ferry attendant comes on the PA looks at me and says to the cabin in a calming, soothing voice, "We had to go through this stuff to come pick you guys up, just hang in there, everything is going to be ok"... I had to flash her this look:


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
WhT is he like 100 years old? And still playing golf?

80 flurf and yeah but now that I think about it he was a child during WW2 (not a huge fan of the Japanese) and served later. Either way he did his service as a mechanic in the Air Force but he was definitely drafted.


Congrats and THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. Enjoy the roadtrip and some freedom, Pat's locking us all up soon. He's already sic'd the mounties on Boomia. Hope I see you at Hooligans before prison