Im getting kicked out of my room tomorrow


Shock Jock
Everything is packed and in my car. This is fawkin it boys, you’ll never hear me complain as long as I live unless its about blacks or kikes. Im pretty annoyed that they told me I couldnt stay in the room for my last few weeks while on leave but either way Im thrilled to get out of this hellhole.
I think Im gonna buy a tent and camp for a few weeks before my big road trip that will start in September.
You all got me through a hard time blah blah blah, time to fuck some Tijuana slores (Im bringing back calling girls slores). Maybe on my way home I’ll stop at Hooligans, I’ll keep you updated.



Shock Jock
Congrats! You're taking your leave prior to discharge?
Yeah I saved up days to get out a few weeks early. Still under contract until September though so I dont understand why they’re so eager to kick me out of my fucking room. Its such BS. I completely empathize with the killdozer guy.
Whatever, not gonna let it kill my vibe. I’ve been desperately longing for this moment for years


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Yeah I saved up days to get out a few weeks early. Still under contract until September though so I dont understand why they’re so eager to kick me out of my fucking room. Its such BS. I completely empathize with the killdozer guy.
Whatever, not gonna let it kill my vibe. I’ve been desperately longing for this moment for years
Good on ya. Where and when for this epic road trip? Hoolies date?


Shock Jock
Why camp? Can't you stay with friends or family?

Edit: Congrats on finishing your service! How long have you been enlisted?
4 years long, 4 years strong.
Im not close enough with anyone I’ve met here to feel that comfortable crashing on their couch for that long, nor would I really want to.
I’ll maybe couch surf for 1 week tops, then camp for 2, but I’ll play it by ear.
I still get a paycheck on September 1st so Im not worried about money


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
4 years long, 4 years strong.
Im not close enough with anyone I’ve met here to feel that comfortable crashing on their couch for that long, nor would I really want to.
I’ll maybe couch surf for 1 week tops, then camp for 2, but I’ll play it by ear.
I still get a paycheck on September 1st so Im not worried about money

He needed dah money!! OHH!