I'm Dumb. Is This Really Pat's Steam Account?

It says it's 14 years old (twice Hildys preferred age actually) and has no other aliases. The profile comments are all stlaker/child and the newest is just a few days old. He apparently owns 499 games. Did he use Lynnes credit card for all of them?

I archived it here in case he deletes it



it doesn't taste all that good
Doing a quick check listing his games by completion percentage:

Fuck sake 100% completion on Wordle 1-4 and all the hidden cats games and Binding of Isaac (one of the most autistically stupidly huge but simplistic games ever). There isn't a game on this list that's above $30 and they're all games that retards buy. The one other thing they all have in common is that they can easily be played on a low end laptop so now you know what he's doing at the bar all day.

There are 2 other PST accounts and they both have his twitter as the PFP, this one feels like the hit.

Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
Rick has barely mentioned video games ever. He had the Star Wars lightsabre game for the PS4 he gushed about for a week before never mentioning either again. I did a bit of digging once because it was such a conspicuously absent element of his geek repertoire. You can spot him trying to talk about it very occasionally, but it's clear he's got no interest in it and he doesn't keep it up much.

I figure it's because he's an arrested development dummy from a hick area and vidya weren't part of his formative years, so they might as well be something alien. It's also telling that the one stereotypical loser/coach potato pasttime that happens to be private, non-performative and remotely mentally engaging is the one that doesn't appeal to him at all.

It's not him. It might as a shock to the members of onaforums, but there's a whole bunch of people who pretend they're fourth rate celebrities out there for the goof. Unthinkable, I know.